Chapter 17

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"So.. Lana what are you? His wife? Sister? "

"Steven. I'll... I'll explain later. I'm not ready yet." Lana explained, hoping he would listen.

He just hummed and sighed, not wanting to argue honestly.

She didn't know however, that Marc was staring into her soul. Even though he couldn't tell her anything, and she couldn't see him in the mirror, he was begging in his head for that conversation not to happen.

They hadn't been married. She just used a fake name. (Haha, tricked you guys)

But even so, she wanted to explain to Steven what exactly was happening.

"You want my body? Right, yeah. Marc how about this for a deal? I'm gonna take this bag full of illegal shit, yeah? And I'm gonna go straight to the authorities. And they're gonna put me away so I don't hurt anyone else."

"N-no! Steven! Come on Steven, we can figure something out- yeah?" Lana said, panicking.

"And hopefully, NHS will fill me up with enough pillls so that you get out of my head!" Steven said as the lights started flickering.

"Steven..." Lana muttered sighing as she ran after him quickly to make sure he did nothing stupid.

He took the bag and grabbed Lana's hand. She saw Khonshu, but decided to not alert him. (She can see khonshu but not Marc)

"Oh, god. Oh, god. Lana!" He yelled and pulled her away. "Steven! He won't hurt you. Just calm down would ya?" She yelled at him as he continued screaming.

They turned sharply, Steven still holding his very firm grasp on her hand.

He was now whimpering.

"Steven. He's not gonna hurt you!" Lana continued to yell but he just ignored her.

The god was then in front of them, stevens grasp got even tighter, basically making her have no circulation on her hand.

"Steven, calm down." Lana said and the god turned to look at the pair.

"Give it back, you fool." He spoke to Steven. "Listen to him Steven!" Lana said, trying to convince him the best as possible.

Steven screamed and ran even faster, holding an even tighter grip on her hand.

"Steven!" Lana yelled as he fell onto the road, and was just about to get ran over when the girl riding the motorcycle suddenly stopped.

"Marc?" The girl said, causing Lana to finally realize who it was.

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