Chapter 56

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"And the effects will wear off soon. Marc, we don't like in a material world. We live in a psychic world. Right? And we're only able to make indirect inferences about the nature of reality."Arthur spoke to him, staring into his eyes.

"Like, take, for example, this pen, right? " he said, holding up a pen.

"To me, this is a writing utensil. Right? To my dog, it's a chew toy. Both are accurate. Right? It's just a question of context and perspective. " Arthur said.

Marc however, wasn't paying attention and was looking at his cane rather than him.

"And all I'm asking of you is an honest assessment of your situation. "

Marc looked over, then back to him As he closed his eyes.

"Everything reminds me... " A fly was flying near Marc and he held out his hand for it to go on.

"Everything reminds me..." he said, not finishing his sentence.

"Reminds you of what? Hmm? Of your past? Of Steven?" Arthur said and Marc looked up to him in confusion.

"You know Steven?" Marc asked.

"Of course I know Steven. But, Marc I wanna talk to you right now. And I have noticed, all right, in our sessions a pattern developing. Every time I ask you direct questions, you are triggered, you're overwhelmed and that's normal, all right?"

Marc was paying attention to anything but Arthur as he spoke, looking at a statue then back to the painting, then back to Arthur.

"Many of us, when asked to look into our innermost experiences, into the Nucleus of our personality we close our eyes. It's understandable. "

Marc's eyes grew tired, as he blinked again.

" I can't help you if you don't help yourself." Arthur said, leaning in.

"You shot me." Marc finally realized, looking at him. His breath grew more shaky, and nervous.

"You shot me." He repeated and looked towards the door.

"Marc? Marc? Hey. Hey now. If we can't calmly sit here." Arthur pointed to the desk, but Marc got up and he fell to the floor.

He crawled away from him, while Arthur continued speaking again.

"And take inventory of your feelings... Marc. Marc listen, I know..." Arthur said, getting up and trying to get Marc.

"No. You stay away from me! " he said, holding his hand out as he attempted to walk.

"Truly, I understand how you're feeling. " Marc fell to the floor as Arthur continued to try.

"I too have suffered from mental illness, breaks in psychic awareness, manic episodes followed by depression." Arthur said while Marc neared the door and tried to open it.

"I know what you're feeling." He said, walking towards him still.

"Unlock the door. Unlock the door!"

"I know you can be healed. Marc. Marc please..." Arthur said as Marc broke the window on the door in attempt to leave.

"Stay away from me! "

"Marc don't do this. You're only getting.." Arthur stopped his sentence when two people grabbed Marc when he opened the door.

"All right. Be gentle with him. Don't hurt him. All right?" Arthur said to the two nurses.

Marc elbowed one and bit the other, as he made his escape when they were on the floor.

He ran down the halls, not really knowing where to go. The lights were moving.

He continued to run away from the nurses and opened a door.

He closed it, and hid in it he heard footsteps go past him. Then he noticed a noise and turned his head.

A sarcophagus in the middle of the room thudded, As a man spoke.

"Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Let me out! Please! Please, someone let me out!" The voice said, banging on the sarcophagus.

Marc went over and opened it, and a man who Marc knew exactly.



"Steven?" Marc said excitedly as the two hugged.

"Marc." Steven said happily.

"How is this possible?" Steven asked, motioning to the two of them.

"I don't know. What's the last thing that you remember?" Marc asked Steven.

"Harrow shot us." Steven said, pointing to himself.

"Yes! Yes. Exactly. Exactly. All right. We gotta get out of here. Follow me. Come on." Marc said, as he stepped out and Steven followed.

Another door was open, and another sarcophagus was in the room rumbling and thudding as well.

Marc and Steven ignored it, they had more to worry about.

They approached a door and noticed two figures, one tall and the other next to it a bit smaller.

Taweret opened the door, Lana next to her as she was about to speak.

"Marc!" She exclaimed and Taweret looked at her before looking at them happily.

"Hi." She said, her voice sweet and loving as always.

But, I suppose a random talking hippopotamus goddess in a psychic ward with your girlfriend would get you scared too.

Steven and Marc screamed in horror, backing up.

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