Chapter 5

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They headed into the village, trying to blend in. They put their hoodies up.

They noticed everyone was whispering and gathered . For what thought, they didn't know. The crowd of people all turned the same direction.

Lana tapped Stevens shoulder and nodded to the man coming out from where everyone was looking. He was obviously of importance.

They bowed to him as he passed, as if he was a savior. A god.

They all went around him, forming a circle.  What the actual hell Lana and Steven both thought.

"What a beautiful day. It's like we're in heaven. Only it's not heaven, is it? It's a darkness. Sometimes it hides in our very hearts. We are here to make the earth as much like heaven as possible."  The man said.

We? Lana thought. She and Steven were clearly confused.

"Who'd like to go first?" The man asked.

"First for what?" Lana whispered very quietly and Steven just shrugged.

One man stepped on to him. "You're a brave man. Offering your soul for judgement. Wanting to serve our goddess even before she wakes."

Goddess? Maybe Nut, isis, Ammit?  Lana thought of all the goddesses. Being previously possessed by one a few years back, she knew a lot about them.

"I judge you in Ammit's name with but a fraction of her power." Oh so it is Ammit.

His "tattoo" balance started moving, then it stopped. "This is the face of a good man." He said.

He pulled him into a hug, Steven looked at Lana and she just stood with shock.

"Ammit? As in the goddess?" He asked her and she just noddded

Steven Looked around weirdly, so did Lana. They were very confused.

The soldiers from earlier came looking for them, and she tugged on Stevens sleeve telling him that they need to go.. like now.

The walked around but the guards surrounded everyone.

"Who would like to go next?" The man asked the crowd. "Please, Harrow I must know." An elderly woman said stepping up.

"Will you accept your scales, regardless of your outcome? " He asked the woman.

"Yes." She said. And the ritual was happening again.

Except this time, it wasn't the same. The balance turned red. Steven looked at Lana and she just looked at him back before they both looked back up to the man and woman.

"I'm sorry." The man said, almost as if he felt pity for the woman.

"I've been good my entire life." She said, as if she was a child trying to prove something to Santa Claus.

"I believe you. But the scales see everything. Perhaps it's something that lies ahead. Well... I wish you could live to see the world we make. Yet, Ammit has decided." He said, the woman started gasping.

She looked as if she was losing air, Lana's stomach turned. She had a bad.. really bad feeling about this man.

Her body fell on the floor, now cold and limp, no sign of life in the old woman who was once alive. Not anymore.

Steven looked worriedly at Lana and she looked like she was gonna throw up. So did he.

But they had bigger things to worry about, as more guards came and told the man that there was a problem with the "exchange", whatever that was.

"We got ambushed. A man and woman killed two of our men." The guard said, as the man who was named Arthur as they learned it was stood up.

"Are they still here?"

"We thin so, yes."

Well, now they were double screwed.

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