Chapter 30

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Lana was at home, with a massive hangover from drinking so much Before she went to sleep yesterday. She regretted it very quickly. She groaned as she sat up in her bed.

She did her normal routine, and she couldn't push away the thoughts of yesterday. The things that Steven and Marc said. Marc has hurt her, not physically. He would never hurt her physically of course.

But he hurt her mentally, which is something he still regretted deeply.

After eating and drinking some water, and doing whatever a normal adult does she sits and looks for a job.

Then a knock was heard at her door "What the hell.." she muttered. She wasn't expecting anyone. And she was still shocked from yesterday so she didn't know what to expect.

She opened the door slightly for it to be pushed against her. A broken hand was making this much easier for the other person.

"Fuck!" She groaned in pain as the person won in the end and pushed her to the ground.

She tried to get to the kitchen to get a knife or something, but the person pulled her ankles.

She was kicking and screaming at this point, she was still weak from yesterday. (She literally fell down like a few floors and keep in mind she still has a broken hand.)

The person cuffed her and held a hand to her mouth to shut her up, she just kept kicking.

The man then put duct tape on her moth, which made her cry's for help muffled. She eventually just.. gave up. Not really having much else to do.

"Lana.. quit fighting. This is only gonna make things harder for you and your boyfriend." A voice said, which she easily recognized to be her fathers.

She didn't fight. She was tired of fighting all her life. If she was gonna die she would accept that happily.

"There you go. Just stop fighting it. Be a good girl for your father, won't you?"

All the years of abuse, trauma, sadness, pain, all of it was because of him.

Arthur Harrow. A man who thinks too highly of himself, a man who tried to kill his own daughter, even if she was adopted.

But he didn't, he kept her alive. Where as if it was anyone else he would have killed them no hesitation. Lana didn't know what to feel.

Anger? Sadness? Acceptance? Forgiveness? Relieved? Or should she perhaps be thankful? Her mind was spinning as she was put in the back of a truck with tears running down her face.

The tears were running down her face as if they were an ocean, going deeper and deeper as she goes on. Lana's used to the tears, this same feeling.

She's used to it all. After so many years she's gotten used to it, something a normal human wouldn't be used to.

But Lana Harrow wasn't an ordinary human. She was a confusing girl, with her feelings all over the place for all the same people at all the same time. No, Lana was everything but normal.

And she hated that.

How much Lana wished she could be normal, have lived a normal life like a lot of the kids at the schools she's gone too.

Lana Harrow hated everything about herself, if she hated one thing more than anything it was her last name.

Even if it wasn't her legal last name, she hated it. She hated it more than anything else. Every time she heard someone say it when referring to her, she wanted to throw up.

It's not that she didn't like the name, it's rather whos last name it was.

And that man was Arthur Harrow.

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