Lanas memories 6

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Hehe  I know my fruity patooties will love this chapter

"Wait- So you like all genders, but you just don't care about gender and rather personality." Steven had asked after Lana's explanation.

"Yep, that's pansexual." Lana confirmed as the two continued to walk around London.

"Got it, got it." He said, smiling at the girl.

"Wait so what about you, what's your sexuality?" Lana asked Steven.

The two of them never really got into this topic, but they were now apparently.

"Er- I don't know really, I know I like women but I don't know about anyone else really, I question myself a lot about it actually." He said, shrugging.

The two shared a comfortable silence as they walked outside his apartment.

"I had fun Steven, I'll see you later, yeah?" Lana said, they both stood outside his flat.

"Yeah. I had fun too, stay safe Lana." He said, waving to her.

"Laters gators!" He said, almost forgetting it, Lana giggled and said it back as she waved as well.

Steven didn't care about her sexuality, He just cared that he still had a chance.

And that chance could turn into so much more.

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