Chapter 18

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"Marc? Where have you been?" And Steven recognized the voice automatically.


"Steven." Lana muttered. Reminding him that she was still there.

Lana helped him up to his feet and Layla gave her a weird look.

You just looked at her and smiled "Hello. I'm Uh.. I'm Lana. Stevens.... Friend." She said. It hurt her to say that.

Steven looked at Lana and nodded "yep."

"Layla." The girl said, sticking her hand out for her to shake and which she did.

"Hey uh.. I'm just gonna take the bus Steven. You go.. do whatever." Lana said clearing her throat.

"Wait Lana..." Lana looked at him for a second then he looked at the ground "n-never mind. Laters gators." He said.

"In a while crocodile." She muttered as she walked away.

She didn't know why she was jealous. She shouldn't be honestly.


Lana decided to go to Stevens apartment, because he had asked her to before she left to feed his fish for him.

And they opened the door, which shocked Lana a bit. She  had her airpods in and was cleaning up a bit. "Hey Steven. Thought your place could use a up." She said.


"Why's she calling you Steven? Marc, what's going on?" Layla asked.

"She shouldn't be here."  Marc said to Steven through his reflection of the fish tank.

"Get her out of here, Steven. You're way out of your depth." Marc said.

"I just want my life back." Steven said and Lana just sighed, guessing he was talking to Marc again. And Layla just gave him and her a weird glance.

"Steven.. can I talk to you?" Lana said, and Steven just nodded as she pulled him into the hallway and Layla scoffed.

"Listen Steven. I don't know what's going on, but I am begging you. Please don't die on me please-"

"Lana im not dying anytime soon." Steven said, reassuring her.

"That's a promise I hope you keep, Grant."

Lana and Steven both came back in and Layla was looking around the apartment.

"Are you living with her?" Layla said as she saw the bed "oh.. Bloody hell no! And again it's Steven. Not Marc."

Lana felt jealous, again. She didn't want to be jealous of a girl she barely knew, but clearly she didn't like Lana at the moment.

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