PART TWO- heartbeat

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Alex giggled as Steven pushed his on the swing, Steven smiled softly and then quickly grabbed him when he stopped.

"C'mon. Let's go see your mommy and sister, yeah?" He grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

Lana was currently chasing her around the park, Nut watching from a distance.

"Alright, mommy, you win!" She giggled when lana started to tickle her.

"I win!" She smirked, and picked her up, putting her on her shoulders.

"If you didn't forfeit, child, you could've won." Nut said, from beside them both.

She just giggled and smiled at Nut.

Lana looked at Steven, and then looked at Alex.

"You guys have fun?" She asked, putting Luna down.

"Yup!" Alex nodded.

Lana smiled and laughed, going up to Steven and kissing him as both children 'ew'd at their parents affection.

"We going home now, mommy?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. We're going home."

"Good because I'm tired." Luna complained, Steven laughed and they all got in the car.

"You alright?" Marc mumbled to Lana once he had put them to sleep at the end of the day.

They had switched when Steven got tired and needed a break.

"I'm fine. Jus' tired." She said back, looking into Marc's eyes now.

"Go to sleep. I love you." He ran a hand through her curly hair, messing with it.

"Mm. I love you too." She snuggled closer to Marc, he wrapped his arms around her and Lana had fallen asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Lana struggled against her fathers strong grip, she yelled and cried to be let go.

"Sh.. shh.. it's okay, I'm here." He mumbled quietly, sitting her down on the bed and sitting next to her.

She cried again, and then hid her face in his chest, listening to his heartbeat to hopefully calm her down, Arthur running a hand through her hair softly.

"You alright? You scared me back there." He mumbled when he heard the sniffles.

She nodded and looked up at Arthur. "I'm fine."

"Alright. Goodnight. I love you." He mumbled, patting her back and standing up, taking one last glance before leaving.

"Love you daddy."

Lana quickly woke up, looking around and sitting up slowly.
Just a dream.

She sighed softly, and laid back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Ever since Arthur had died, she had reoccurring nightmares.

But the oddest thing was that Marc wasn't in bed when she turned around, she looked around the room and furrowed her eyebrows and looked around.

She looked in the kids room, nothing. Not in the bathroom, not in the kitchen, she searched the whole place up and down.

Until she noticed something on the ground. A piece of white fabric. Almost like...


She quickly shook that thought away, Marc, Jake and Steven had all promised that they weren't talking to him. She went back to bed, staring at the ceiling.

Would they really lie?

Think about it, Arthur lied to you. He broke tons of promises.

No, this isn't about Arthur.

Oh, but what if it is? Don't you find it odd how he was just found dead in a car, you don't know much about Jake, but he is a cab driver.

Stop. Jake wouldn't do that.

Oh, but you don't know him that well as you do Marc and Steven.

Shut up. They wouldn't let him.

Who said they knew?

I'm married to them. They wouldn't-

"Lana." A voice interrupted her thoughts. Nuts.

She snapped her head to the tall goddess by her window.

"Go to sleep. Don't worry about them, okay? You need sleep."

"But what if... what if-" her breathing became uneven, and it felt like the world was collapsing on her.

"Lana, You're having another panic attack, aren't you?" Nut mumbled quietly.

"I-" she groaned and started to cry into her pillow, Nut sighed and sat on the bed next to her, rubbing her back.

"It's okay. It's okay." She pulled her into her warmth, holding Lana and letting her cry into her shoulder.

"Thank you." She mumbled, sniffling and laying on her chest, listening to her heartbeat.

So I'm back.... And I wanted to rlly continue this so!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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