Chapter 12

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Spoilers for episode 2!!

Lana didn't quite know how to explain all of this to Steven.

They walked back to Stevens apartment.
"Marc.. how do I explain this to Steven?" Lana asked her friend.

"I don't know. Maybe he thinks it's all a dream, or something."  He paused.

"Lana, he really cares about you. I think that you feel the same way." Marc said, with that comment she blushed.

"I- I don't know.. i don't know if he even wants to see me."

"He does."

Lana just sighed and stopped in front of his apartment "well... I'll let Steven sleep. Call me if you need me alright?" Lana said with a smile.

"Alright. I'll see you later. Bye Lana." Marc said, stepping into the apartment.


Steven woke up, gasping in shock from the growling noises. He tried getting up but forget that his ankle restraints were there so he fell face forward.

He groaned as he hit the ground. "No, no, no." Steven said sighing.

He went to the mirror to see if everything was real or if it was actually a dream. "You there? Hmm? No? Yeah, didn't think so." He said sighing once again.

He walked to the museum, still shocked and scared from what he imagined. Well, what he thought he imagined.

As he walked in he noticed cleaners coming out. "Bruv, hey" J.B said to Steven as he saw him walking in.

"Oh, hey. Bro, it is proper mad in there. "

"What happened? What is it?" Steven asked, confused.

"They're saying burst pipes, but don't look like that to me" J.B explained to Steven while putting up more caution tape around.

"Has anyone seen the security footage?" Steven asks.
"Well, yea, I was about to."

"All right. I think I should go works you, yeah? I may have some information about it. " Steven said, he didn't know if he wanted to rat out Lana. He decided to say it was some random girl if she did show up in it.

"All right, come on." J.B said walking towards where the security storage was. "Yeah." Was all Steven said while following J.B.

I will write more later after school (::

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