Chapter 7

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Alr but before I start  the story look at this 💀 😭

Alr but before I start  the story look at this 💀 😭

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Anyways on with the book.

———————————————————————————    "Buggers, there so many of them." Steven said looking back.  "Just drive Steven!" Lana basically shouted at her friend.

"This has to be a dream. This has to be a dream. " he said and Lana just sighed "it's not a dream Steven! I'll explain later." She said.

"Come on you bloody cupcake van! Move it!" He said hitting the van, as if it was going to go any faster.

He swerved harshly, making Lana yelp as she was thrown against his side but she quickly got up. She was blushing madly, Steven noted in his head.

A car with chickens was in front of them, causing more and more problems. The car behind them crashed into them, making Lana and Steven jump a little. Lana hit her head on the dashboard however, and all she heard was "Lana!"

The words rung in her ears, was she gonna die in a cupcake van, with Her crush, who's also her lifelong friend?


The next thing he  knew, he was back in his apartment, safe and sound. 

He woke up, and looked At Lana, who was knocked out. "What the bloody hell." He muttered getting up, and looking at the unconscious girl.

He thought it was a dream. Keyword, thought.

He knew Lana wasn't dead, and he just assumed something happened so she stayed. But she never woke up. He just thought maybe she was tired. As he continued to eat, and talk to what seemed like Gus.

Until he realized it wasn't Gus, and rather another fish.


And the next thing Lana knew, she was in stevens apartment. He looked at her, he has chocolate in his hand for some reason.

"Lana? Finally your awake. I thought that maybe you wouldn't ever wake-up, your a really hard sleeper." He said, however it didn't seem like his usual normal happy joking self.

"Marc?" She groaned, and got up from Stevens couch. "N-no it's... Steven." He said, confused on who the hell Marc was still.

"Oh. Steven. Uh.. how are you? You know what never mind."  She said, clearly he didn't look good, so she just didn't wanna be annoying and pester the man.

"I got stood up." He said, looking at Lana and she just sighed. "Sorry Steven. She doesn't deserve you anyways."

Lana and Steven ate the chocolates, Lana wanted to tell him everything. But she couldn't, she would ruin their friendship. He would find out eventually anyways. She thought.

He drops some, so they both go down to pick them up. For a moment, both their hands were touching. Even if it was for a slight second, he felt electrify go through him like he had just gotten struck by lightning.

The smallest, simplest touch. That's all it was.

She quickly moved her hand away, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. "Hey, Steven.. these always been here?" Lana asked, nodding her head to the weird marks on the floor.

"No... what's that?" he asked, confused.

He scanned over the rug for a second. And then ripped it off the floor.

He moved something to maybe hide it, and then Lana Pointed out the Weird wall. "Hey Steven. What the hell is that?" She asked him.

"I don't know.." he said, just as confused as her.

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