Chapter 70

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"Who wants to heal the world?" Arthur asked his followers, holding up Ammits ushabti.

Layla and Lana looked at each other. The two crocs on Arthur's cane transformed into one, as it glowed purple, the crocodile roaring.

Arthur left, and his followers followed after him.

Layla and Lana waited until they left and went towards Marc's body that Arthur left behind.

"Marc." Layla said, as Lana checked his pulse. Her eyes went wide as she looked at Layla.

Layla looked up at her and Lana just nodded, with tears in her eyes.

Both of the girls felt twinges in their chests. They just sat for a moment, they were both sobbing at this point.

Lana placed a kiss on top of his forehead, Crying over his body.

Lana noticed the scarab laying on his body, and picked it up, looking at Layla. Without hesitation she handed it to her, it was meant to be with her. Lana knew that.

Lana and Layla both let his body drift back into the water. The scarab flew up and pointed somewhere, somewhere Lana and Layla would follow.

Now, Lana would be easily recognized, so she had to be especially careful.


Both Layla and Lana had hitched a ride on one of Arthur's trucks. A man in front of them motioned For the truck Arthur was in to stop, the trucks behind him stopped as well.

"What are you doing on this road?" He spoke in Arabic, as one hit the truck and Arthur exited it.

The men pointed their guns at all of them, as they yelled. Arthur put his hands up to show he meant no harm.

"It's all right. It's all right. It's all right." He spoke to his followers.

"Show me your papers." One solider demanded Arthur.

"I don't need to show you my papers. You need to show us your soul."

Arthur planted his cane into the ground, purple emitting from all of the soldiers body, except for one. The one in front of him was the only balanced soul.

"This is the face of a good man." He touched the man's shoulder and grabbing his radio before throwing it to the ground.

"You don't need this anymore."

"Move the bodies out of the way." A girl ordered the followers as they got out the cars and started it clear a path as she had asked them to.

Lana and Layla hopper out the back, staying behind everyone else. They made sure not to be seen by anyone.

Layla grabbed a knife from her side, as Lana grabbed a gun from hers.

Sure, a gun would be louder but it was just in case of the worst.

A dead solider on the floor spoke.

"Don't do it. Layla, Lana wait. I am the goddess Taweret."

Lana turned back sharply, eyes wide in surprise.

"Lana." Layla whisper yelled, telling her to hurry up, as the body Taweret had fell back to the ground.

"Layla, Lana. It's Marc who's telling you to stop." Another dead solider said, holding out his hands this time.

"What the hell is this?"

The solider groaned and fell back.

"He's dead. And I'm talking to you through dead people right now. So what? Listen, Harrow is too powerful for you two to stop him. If Marc...if he can return to life..."

"What do you mean, return to life?"

"Osiris's gates." Lana realized, Layla looked towards her in confusion, scrunching her eyebrows.

"Exactly. He is going to need Khonshu as well. Break his ushabti. It's in the chamber of the gods. And you can be my avatar-"

"Wait. Taweret, do you think I could free Nut as well?" Lana asked, a slight look of hope in her eyes. She really hoped she could.

"Yes. You can." She said.

Lana smiled brightly.

"Anyways Layla, Marc says wonderful things about you."

"No, no, no. I'll fight him- we'll fight him on our own." Layla said.

"It's time to go!" The lady spoke as his followers rounded back up into the trucks.

Lana followed Layla back into the ones they were in.

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