Chapter 60

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"Wait, what's she doing?" Marc asked Steven as she walked down somewhere with their hearts.

"She's weighing our hearts on the scales of justice and the feather of truth. You see, the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart was the sign of who you really were in life. If the scales balance by the time you end the journey, then a soul is permitted to pass into the Field Of Reeds."

"What if they don't balance?" Marc asked Steven

"You get thrown overboard. Whoo!" Taweret said, gesturing with her hands.

"The dead will drag you into the Duat, where you will remain forever, frozen in sand. No unbalanced souls on my boat. Theme's the rules." Taweret explained while Marc walked over to the edge.

"Fingers crossed for you guys, hey?"

"I don't care what this hippo says. There's no way we're ending up down there. And we're not going to the field of Reeds either." Marc said as him and Steven looked at the sand.

"All right. What are you proposing?" Steven asked.

"If it comes to it, kill the hippo, steal the boat." Marc said, as if it was the easiest thing ever.

Steven looked back to Taweret "Kill?" Steven said.

"Um, fellas?" Taweret called to the two of them as the scales creaked.

"What? Why is it doing that? Why is it moving like that?" Steven asked, as Steven and Marc walked up to the scale.

"I- I don't know. I do not have a card for this." Taweret said, taking the feather off, and then the hearts.

"Oh. It's the hearts. They aren't... full. And trust me I'm a goblet half full kind of gal's like they each feel incomplete."

"What does that mean?" Marc asked.

"Without balanced scales, the Duat will eventually claim your soul." Taweret said, sounding slightly upset.

She was upset because she knew Lana would be More upset than ever, and Lana had been nothing but kind to the goddess.

"Do you have any other suggestions?" Steven asked.

"This boat contains all of a life's memories. Now I don't know what you two guys have been hiding, but my advice, get in there and show each other the truth. Balance your scales before we arrive at the field of Reeds. Or your souls will be destroyed." she paused for a moment.

"If you are a friend of Lana's, I hope that you both will do good." Taweret said before the two entered.

"So how are we supposed to do this?" Marc asked Steven.

"Not sure. You think Layla and Lana's all right?"

"Yeah, for now. Knowing them, they will both go on a suicide mission to stop Harrow himself. But I doubt He will even think of hurting Lana."

"That means we better hurry, doesn't it?"

"Know what Lana and Layla would be all right with?"

"Don't. Don't say it."

"I'm just saying there is one hippo and two of us and this ship can't be that hard to steer so... and we don't have to actually.."

"Have to what? Kill the goddess Taweret? " Steven said as he peered into the rooms.

"No, just, you know, find me a rope and..."

"Yeah. Or we can do what she says, and help each other uncover whatever it is that we're hiding apparently." Steven said.

"Steven, I don't know about you, but my memories are a fricking mess." Marc said as Steven stopped at one door.

"Yeah mine too." He said.

These doors were all memories they had.

Steven saw another, one he was particularly interested in.

"Oi. What is this?" He asked Marc.

"Steven, what are we gonna do here? We're gonna revisit every single memory I've ever had? " Marc said.

Steven looked at Marc.

"Do you... do you remember this?"

"Yeah. I don't know, it's just a street, you know. How many streets have you walked down your whole life?" Marc said.

Steven looked more until he heard a boy yelling.


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