1. one

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"nothing ever ends poetically. it ends and we turn it into poetry. all that blood was never once beautiful. it was just red." - kait rokowski

Delilah Bellerose walked into the BAU bullpen after her two week vacation she'd been forced to take. She had her headphones plugged into her ears, bobbing her head along to Oasis playing through the wires, hair falling in front of her face in messy waves.

"I wanna talk tonight, until the morning light, 'bout how you saved my life, I wanna talk tonight," Delilah sang to herself, dumping her bag on her chair at her desk.

It was thirty minutes before the team had to be in, so Hotch was in his office waiting for Delilah. Spencer was in early, too, sat at his desk and finishing a book.

"Hi, Delilah," Spencer mumbled.

Delilah pulled her headphones out and turned the music off.

"Hey, Spencer," she said.

"How was your vacation? Hotch said it was two weeks," Spencer said.

"Yeah, it was good. I only missed two cases, right?" Delilah said.

"Yeah, a kidnapper and a serial arsonist," Spencer said.

"Fun," Delilah said dryly, running her hands through her hair and flicking it over her shoulders. "I gotta go see Hotch, so I'll see you later," she said.

"Have fun," Spencer said.

Delilah walked up the stairs to Hotch's office and knocked twice, leaning against the door with a small smile.

"I'm back," Delilah sang.

Hotch looked up from his paperwork with a small smile.

"Come in. Close the door. Let's get this over with and get you ready for any cases we get," Hotch said.

Delilah closed the door and walked over, sitting on the chair opposite his desk.

"How was your vacation?" he said.

"Good. Liv and I flew out to stay with Dave in California for a few days while he was on one of his breaks from his book tour. Did a bit of sight seeing, the usual touristy bullshit," Delilah said.

"That's good," Hotch smiled. "How are you feeling?" he said.

"Good," Delilah said.

Hotch raised an eyebrow.

"Hotch, honestly, I'm good. I sunbathed and ate ice cream and spaghetti, I drank whisky and bullied Dave with Liv. I smiled for two weeks straight and I think I'll go insane if I had to stay there longer than the two weeks you banished me for. I'm fine and ready to come back to work," Delilah said.

"We just have to check," Hotch said.

"You could probably check less. The human computer out there is gonna start figuring things out if you give me a psych eval after every vacation or bad case," Delilah said. "I'm good, Hotch. Seriously," Delilah said.

Hotch stared at her for a few seconds before nodding.

"That's... That's fair. Fill in this form," Hotch said, handing over a piece of paper and a pen.

Delilah took it, filling it in on autopilot. She'd done enough of these psych questionnaires to fly through them by now. She handed it back to him and he checked it over, nodding as he slid it into Delilah's file.

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