2. twenty four

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"i wish i wasn't such a dreamer. i've ruined this life for myself." - n.m sanchez

Delilah stood in the jet not long later, eyes moving over the file in her hands as she made coffee. She sipped on the cup, walking past JJ sat on the sofa to sit next to Spencer near the booth where Gideon, Emily and Derek were sat. Hotch was on the other side of Spencer, flicking through his own files.

"This is a bad one, isn't it?" Emily asked Derek.

"Unsubs with a cause are never good," Derek said, pressing a button on the laptop opened in front of him.

"Pets, I just got the 911 call from the Georgia state police," Penelope's face popped up on a screen, looking at them with a small smile.

JJ walked over, hovering awkwardly in the aisle before she sat down on the seat next to Delilah, arms crossed and body stiff. Delilah didn't look up from her file, not noticing the glances the team shared that JJ was choosing to ignore.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator's voice came through the laptop.

"I'm at 1527 chestnut drive," a man whispered through the call.

"I know where you're calling from. What's the emergency?" the operator asked.

"He thinks they're too greedy. They have too much," the man whispered.

"Too much what?" the operator asked.

"Stuff, you know, possessions. Things they don't need. Hurry!" the man whispered.

"You're calling because these people have too much stuff?" the operator asked.

"No, I'm calling because Raphael-" the man was cut off by a small noise.

"That's enough," another man said.

"I don't want to," the first man whispered.

"He's calling, because Raphael is going to kill the sinners that live here," the second man said.

"I'm sorry, did you say someone is killing somebody?" the operator asked, the call cutting off.

"Well, unsub one definitely sounds frightened. Maybe he's doing this against his will," Emily said.

"I doubt it. He whispered," Gideon said.

"He could have called out to save them instead of calling 911," Hotch said.

"Not if he had a gun to his head," Derek said.

"If he had a gun to his head, why would he have dialed 911?" Delilah asked.

"The second unsub said Raphael was going to kill someone. Is there a third?" JJ asked.

"Referring to oneself in the third person is not uncommon for an unsub. Ted Bundy gave thoroughly detailed accounts of his murder, but he never actually admitted to doing it. He would just say, the killer," Spencer said.

"Ok, so I'm gonna go ahead and run the name Raphael through the Georgia criminal databases as well as our own," Penelope said.

"Thanks, Garcia," Hotch smiled.

"Ever so welcome, my liege," Penelope said, ending the call.

"We have a killing team on a mission in rural Georgia. We know what that means," Hotch said.

"They're not gonna stop until the mission's complete," Derek said.

"We need to hit the ground running. JJ, We need an inside picture of the victims. Victimology can be critically important in a mission-based spree," Hotch said.

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