3. thirty three

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AN: hey guys!! happy monday!! i hope you're all having a good week so far!

we've got a bit of a big chapter today so apologies if it's extremely long! i'm trying to get through the rest of s3 as fast as possible bc it feels like we've been here forever!

also? thank you so much for 300K! i've only just realised and it means so so much so thank you again! <333

anyway! TWs:

mentions of rape
mentions of human trafficking
mentions of pedophiles
mentions of suicide
mentions of violence
mentions of child abuse

please let me know if i've missed any so i can add them on <333

"dad leaves for days. i know it's days because he brings me enough food to last for a few days. he leaves, and dylan comes to find me. he lies with me, eyes closed and chest still, skin cold to the touch. he's dead. he's dead." - I.M, entry 15C

Music played loudly in the gym, drowning out the small grunts and thuds of the fight in the middle of the boxing ring.

Delilah dodged a punch aimed at her face, swinging her leg out. Evie dodged it easily, having taught Delilah that move, and moved to grab her ankle. Delilah let her, lurching her body forward into a roll and bringing Evie with her.

Delilah had Evie pinned to the floor within another second, her knees pinning her hips to the floor, one hand holding her wrists together, and the other pressed against Evie's throat.

Evie's throat twitched beneath Delilah's fingers, slick with a slight sheen of sweat against her skin. Delilah released her throat, tilting her head as she looked down at Evie. Evie blinked back up at her, brown eyes almost drowned out with her pupil.

"You've gotten better," Evie said approvingly, giving Delilah an appraising look. "Good."

Delilah grinned back at her, climbing off Evie's hips and holding a hand out. Evie took it, letting Delilah help her to her feet. She tugged Delilah close to her by the front of her sports bra, eyes searching Delilah's for a moment.

"You really have gotten better," Evie said. "It's a nice turn around from how you were in January."

"I was recovering from broken ribs and knuckles back in January," Delilah said. "And was also borderline psychotic."

"Borderline?" Evie smirked. "Babe, c'mon. You don't have to lie with me."

"Fine, I was entirely psychotic," Delilah laughed, slapping Evie's arm. "I still knocked you on your ass, though."

"You did," Evie grinned, her finger lifting Delilah's chin so Delilah looked up into her eyes again. "I'm proud."

Delilah smiled up at her. Evie's smile softened slightly, rolling her eyes as she pushed Delilah back gently.

"Okay," Evie said. "You ready to pack up for the day? Or does your ego need inflating by pinning me to the ground again?"

"I've had enough for a while," Delilah grinned, fixing her ponytail.

The strands of her hair brushed against her bare shoulders, Evie's eyes moving to the dark hair.

"It looks better now you've cut it," Evie said. "Healthier. Thicker, too."

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