3. nineteen

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AN: hey guys!

just a few smaller TWs this chapter and then i'll be back again next week!

we are close to the end of this arc so you can all breathe a (small) sigh of relief for delilah and ziggy!

not for elliot tho bc fuck him :)

mention of wounds/blood
mentions of psychological torture
mentions of abuse

i hope you guys enjoy! <3

"i have found it takes a lot of strength to endure myself." - henry rollins


Something light flicked Delilah's forehead. She blinked her eyes open wearily, turning her head slowly until she came face to face with Ziggy lying beside her.

"We're unchained," Ziggy whispered, excitement dancing in his eyes. "We're unchained, and there's food, and there's drinks, and painkillers, and fresh bandages, and wipes, and-"

Delilah groaned quietly at the noise, closing her eyes again. Her leg was throbbing, and she felt exhausted as she lifted her arms up to rub at her eyes.

"Uh, you're still covered in blood," Ziggy grabbed her wrists gently. "Can you sit up? We can wipe your hands and get you some painkillers, and then you can eat. It'll make you feel better."

Delilah nodded, pushing herself up slowly and leaning against the wall. She turned herself on the mattress, taking a deep breath through the headache before looking down at her leg.

"Can you wiggle your toes?" Ziggy asked.

"It's not broken," Delilah said, shaking her leg lightly as it ached. "See? Still works."

"Okay," Ziggy mumbled, chewing on his bottom lip.

He shuffled away, grabbing everything and dragging it over. He handed Delilah some of the baby wipes, watching her wipe her hands before he handed her the painkillers, then the bottle of water.

Delilah eyed the packet of painkillers.

Oxycodone. One of the most common opioid addictions found in people after suffering injuries. It worked, but it could work too well.

"Fucking bastard," Delilah whispered.

"You won't get addicted from one," Ziggy said. "Unless you wanna just pretend you weren't stabbed. Not what I would do, personally, but I've never been stabbed, so, I don't think I get an opinion in this."

"Eat," Delilah said.

She could have a break from his voice if he was eating, as bad as it sounded.

"Not until you're sorted," Ziggy said.

Delilah sighed, but swallowed down half of the pill with water, then dropped the other half into the water bottle that was still half full from last time, so she could sip from it as and when she needed, and still have a new water bottle of just actual water to help get rid of the taste of oxy-infused water.

Elliot never took their water off them, but he did take the painkillers if they hadn't taken them. Delilah and a feeling she'd need all the pain relief she could get, right now, but not enough to develop an addiction.

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