3. five

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AN: hey dudes! happy monday :)

panic attacks
spicy deja vu

i think this is it but please let me know if there's more <3

"people do not see you. they invent you and accuse you." - hélène cixous

Delilah stood in the Portland PD for the profile, leaning against a desk with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Okay, we know this guy used Wildwood Trail as his personal graveyard for six months. That site's been blown for him now, which means that he's been forced to change part of his MO," Derek said.

"Which won't be easy for somebody who thrives on being in control. The reason that he's gotten away with these first three murders is that he's been meticulous at every stage, from how he chooses his victims to their torture and their burial," Hotch said.

"To us, his victims appear to be nonspecific. Other than being new to Portland, all they seem to have shared was a torturous death," Emily said.

"But you think the unsub chooses them for another reason, too?" Calvert asked.

"We think so," Emily said.

"The tortures lack a sexual component, which is incredibly rare. I think it's more about, uh, not necessarily about exerting power, but more like overcompensating for a lack of it," Spencer said.

"This guy craves control," Delilah said. "He's coming from a place of weakness, trying to demonstrate strength. Now we see this a lot in unsubs who've have been abused."

"The lack of sexual assault could be as simple as the fact that he's impotent, something that he's trying to hide," Hotch said.

"A man this obsessed with control most likely feels powerless in his everyday life. So, he would crave stability, security. He's most likely married. If he is impotent, he could keep up appearances by adopting children," Emily said.

"Yeah, and someone this methodical has every moment planned. If he is captured, he'd most likely take his own life rather than give up any sort of control," Spencer said.

"The victims' lack of defensive wounds suggest that they willingly put themselves in danger," Derek said. "So, someone of authority or otherwise easily trusted put them up to this."

"Also, the victims' families were led to believe their loved ones were alive and well through e-mails written by this murderer," Emily said.

"He's calculating, and he's intelligent, and... We're going to have to do something that he's not expecting," Hotch said.

"Like what?" Calvert asked.

"Like warn his potential victims," Hotch said.

Delilah rubbed her temples, watching the officers get dismissed and go to start working on their files while the BAU continued to work on figuring out how exactly his victims were picked.

"I'll be back in a minute," Delilah whispered to Emily, putting her coffee down.

"You okay?" Emily whispered back.

"Just need some fresh air. I have a bit of a headache," Delilah whispered.

She'd felt off since the elevator situation. She needed to take a breather for a moment, and then she could refocus on the case.

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