1. eighteen

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"a burnt child loves the fire." - oscar wilde

Liv unlocked the front door of their apartment a few hours later, stepping inside quietly and locking the door behind them. She was exhausted, having done two emergency surgeries after her shift ended because she was the only neurosurgeon available at their hospital.

And now it was five twenty seven in the morning and she had all day to sleep before she was back in work at five tomorrow morning. Delilah wasn't in work until just before lunch, today, so, she would spend some time with her sister before crashing in bed, again.

Liv kicked her shoes off and hung her jacket up, throwing her bag on the table and walking into the living room. Friends was playing on the TV and she rolled her eyes at Ross Geller, grabbing the remote to turn it down.

She turned around, jumping in surprise when she saw two bodies on the couch. One was Delilah, the hand on top of the blankets with chipped black nail polish making that perfectly clear. And the other was JJ, because she was the only blonde Delilah would let cuddle her while she slept.

"Platonic with a capital P, my ass," Liv whispered, taking a quick photo and sending it to Dave.

She fixed the blanket over the two of them, then headed to her own room so she could get a shower and wash the surgery smell off her.

When Liv had showered, tidied her room and spent an hour on the phone with one of her residents about a patient of hers, she finally headed back to the kitchen to make some food. She kept quiet as she grabbed a bowl and some cereal, pouring the milk in and sitting up on the kitchen counter to eat as she scrolled through a medical article on her phone.

She heard a yawn and looked up, smiling when she saw JJ was waking up. She was trapped under Delilah's body, the two of them more lying down than sitting up now, but she didn't seem to mind. She smiled when she saw Delilah, wrapping her arms tighter around her and hiding another yawn.

"Morning," Liv said.

JJ looked over into the kitchen, blinking a few times before a smile came across her lips, cheeks tinged red.

"Morning," she whispered.

"How was the case?" Liv asked.

"We found the kid, got her back to her parents," JJ said.

"Good," Liv smiled.

"How was surgery? Lilah mentioned you had to stay," JJ said.

"Both patients pulled through. I'm off until tomorrow, so, not my problem anymore," Liv shrugged.

JJ nodded, looking back down at Delilah. Liv watched them for a few seconds before taking a bite of her cereal, looking at the telly. She frowned, jumping off the counter and walking into the living room.

Some of the photos were slightly out of place and, from the kitchen, she could see how uneven they looked on the shelves of the TV unit. Liv fixed them, eyes lingering on two. The one of her, Delilah and Eli when Delilah was two, and the one of Delilah and Dylan on their eighth birthday.

"Sorry. We were looking at them yesterday," JJ said.

"Did she tell you anything?" Liv asked, putting the photos into place again and sitting on the other sofa.

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