2. seventeen

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AN: surprise update bc i'm sad today
i didn't realise these chapters would also be sad when i decided to post but🤷🏻‍♀️ what can ya do right?
also very off topic to the vibe of these chapters but-
the urge to write a spin-off of this book where delilah is an unsub and jj is helping her cover her crimes up and is misleading the FBI on purpose is soooo tempting, but like i have too many WIPs to start another one :(

"you are not responsible for what was done to you as a defenceless child." - susan forward

Delilah sat on the side of Spencer's desk in the bullpen a few days later, a grin on her face as she watched Spencer stare down at a black cylinder on his desk. JJ and Penelope were stood around the desk watching it with frowns.

"Nothing's happening," JJ said.

"Watch," Spencer whispered.

A fizzing sound came from the cylinder and it flew up in the air, flying across the bullpen and hitting Emily Prentiss square in the face as she walked into the bullpen. Delilah, Penelope and JJ laughed, while Spencer blushed bright red.

"Ah, what-" Emily groaned.

"I'm so sorry, Emily," Spencer said quickly.

"What was that?" Emily asked, rubbing her head.

"Don't you recognize a rocket when you see one?" Penelope teased.

"I- I was merely demonstrating a physics law I- I-I didn't meant to hit-" Spencer said.

"Oh, show me?" Emily asked, hurrying over.

"All right. Uh... well, turn around, please," Spencer said.

"Turn around," Emily repeated.

"Yeah, he's not gonna show you how it's done," JJ said, turning around.

Penelope and Emily turned, Delilah turning herself on the desk to face away from Spencer.

"A magician doesn't reveal his secrets," Spencer said.

"But I thought you said it was physics?" Emily said.

"Physics...magic," Spencer said.

"Trust me. It will not do you any good to argue with him," Penelope said.

"All right, all right, turn back and observe," Spencer said.

They turned around again, watching the rocket go off and fly through the air, landing at Hotch's feet.

"Ha," Delilah snorted, swinging her legs as Emily hurried off, Penelope and JJ turning and pretending to be busy.

"Physics magic," Hotch said, picking up the cylinder.

"Yes, sir," Spencer said.

"Reid, we talked about this," Hotch said.

"I'm sorry, sir," Spencer said.

"Really starting to get some distance on those," Hotch smiled, putting the container on Spencer's desk and walking off to his office.

"So he does have a sense of humor," Emily said, turning back to them.

"Sometimes," Delilah said.

"Hey, where's Morgan?" Emily asked.

"In Chicago. He goes there every year for his mother's birthday," Spencer said.

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