1. nine

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"in the end, we'll all become stories." - margaret atwood

Delilah woke up with a small groan, moving her hand to stop the sunlight from burning through her eyelids and frying her brain. She turned over onto her back, rubbing her eyes as she yawned. She opened her eyes, blinking up at the ceiling.

That was not her ceiling.

Delilah sat up, eyes darting around the room. Her heart was pounding in her ears, her breath caught in her throat.

This was a regular bedroom and there were two sets of female clothes scattered around. Delilah recognised one of the dresses as her own. There was also a blonde woman asleep in the bed beside her, blanket resting just above her hips. Her back was heavily tattooed and Delilah admired the ink for a few seconds before forcing herself to move.

She slipped out of the bed, wincing as the cold morning air stung her naked body. She slipped into her underwear and tugged her bra on, yanking her dress over her head and hissing at the tug on her cut on her ribs. Her jacket was on the floor, along with her purse, and she could see her heels in the hallway of the apartment.

Delilah slipped out of the bedroom, tugging her jacket on and rummaging in her bag for her phone. She turned it on, seeing it was seven forty two in the morning and she had a text from Liv telling her to call when she was awake.

Delilah picked her heels up and tiptoed to the front door, undoing the lock and opening it silently. She slipped out and tugged the door closed behind her, putting her heels on and starting down the stairs. She put her phone to her ear, wrapping her jacket tighter around her body.

"Oh, thank god. I've spent the past hour checking your location to wait for you to wake up. I'm in the parking lot," Liv said.

"That's stalkerish, but thank you," Delilah mumbled.

"See you in a sec," Liv said.

Delilah ended the call and quickly headed out of the lobby, hurrying over to Liv's car and getting in the passenger seat.

"How are you sober enough to drive?" Delilah asked.

"'Cause I cut myself off after two drinks in the club and my hookup only lasted five fucking minutes before passing out. I got a cab home, slept, and then came to pick you up," Liv said.

"Five minutes?" Delilah winced.

"So not worth the headache I had when I woke up," Liv huffed. "What about you and that blonde girl you left with?" Liv said.

"She was blonde? I didn't notice," Delilah said, looking out of the window.

"Liar. You literally told me you were gonna hook up with her because blondes are hot," Liv said.

"I was drunk. I don't know what I said," Delilah said.

"Sure," Liv said. "How was the sex, anyway?"

"Better than yours," Delilah said.

"Sex with girls always is. I should've picked a girl instead of a boy," Liv huffed.

"Yeah, you should've," Delilah said. "So, I need a shower, and a nap, and then I think we should order those really greasy kebabs from the place down the block and watch My Girl?" Delilah said.

"You literally read my mind," Liv grinned at Delilah. "You leave a note for that girl?" she asked.

"Nope," Delilah said.

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