1. fourteen

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"so violently do i know the world." - rainer maria rilke

"I'm bankrupt. This is terrible. How has this happened? I have great financial management skills."

"You have an accountant. You don't get one of those in monopoly," Liv grinned at Dave. "You gotta sell your properties back to the bank," she said.

"Can I have a loan?" Dave asked.

"Nope," Delilah said. "Sell your properties or admit that we are better than you at monopoly," she said.

"I need more whisky to figure out what ones to sell," Dave sighed, getting up from his kitchen table and moving towards the whisky on the island.

Liv and Delilah followed him, pouring themselves their own drinks.

"I'm hungry. Can we order a pizza?" Delilah said.

"I'll make you one. What toppings?" Dave asked.

"Uh... Pepperoni with tons of cheese?" Delilah said.

"Should've known," Dave chuckled, moving to get some of the pizza bases he'd made earlier that day out of the fridge. "When do you two have to go back to Virginia?" he asked.

They'd flown to California to see him earlier that day, the day of Eli's anniversary, and Dave had been more than happy to see his daughters again after a few months apart.

"Two days. We have a night flight and we're off the day we land, then back to work the day after," Liv said.

"I have a psych eval," Delilah said.

"You shouldn't have been in the field for that case," Liv said.

"I can't not go on cases near woods or in small towns. I just have to work on my compartmentalizing," Delilah said.

"You need to go back to therapy," Liv said.

"I don't need to go back to therapy. It was one bad case and it was only as bad as it was because it was the day before the anniversary. I'm fine," Delilah said.

"You cried for twenty minutes when we got home," Liv said.

"It was sleep deprivation. I'm back to my stone cold bitchy self now I've got my four hours," Delilah said.

"I worry about the two of you," Dave said.

"Wise decision," the sisters chorused.

He chuckled quietly.

"We'll see what Hotch says, then talk about therapy. And crying is a natural human emotion. Even stone cold bitches like Delilah can cry, Olivia," Dave said.

"I know they can. It's just weird when it happens," Liv said.

"It's also weird how my dad called me a stone cold bitch," Delilah said.

"You get it from me, bambina," Dave grinned.

"Genetically impossible, but sure," Liv said, sipping on her whisky.

"Actually, if you spend enough time around someone, you can pick up certain aspects of their personality. So, maybe I didn't inherit it genetically, but I did pick it up over time and have altered myself to be more like him," Delilah said.

"Are you gonna get married three times, too?" Liv smirked over her whisky, taking a sip as Dave groaned and Delilah started giggling.

"I will not make you pizza," Dave pointed at Liv.

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