3. one

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AN: i'm a day late but it's fine! you get two chapters instead of one this way bc i feel guilty

i'm late to update bc i got a new kitten on sunday and she's the light of my life!

i would also like to for a moment over the fact that we're in season three! we've got a shitshow ahead of us guys so buckle tf up :) it's gonna hurt like a bitch i'm not even gonna lie, but the oblivious lesbians get together this season so like

are we winning or are we winning?

anyway, i don't think there's specific TWs for this chapter, but if i'm wrong please let me know

hope you enjoy!

"in nostalgia, there is no difference between a day, a year, a decade, or a lifetime, because the amount of longing is beyond the idea of time." - gibran khalil gibran

Delilah sat in one of the chairs at the foster care training class, listening to the social workers talk as she jotted notes down in her notebook.

It was the end of June, and she was near the end of her month off work and the end of her month long training. Today was one of the days she was alone because Liv was spreading her training over six weeks and was doing three days a week this week.

"Okay, let's call it there for the day," the social worker called.

Delilah closed her notebook over and shoved it in her bag, standing up and leaving the classroom they were in. She left the office building, pulling her phone out of her pocket and frowning when she saw a missed call from Hotch, a missed call from Derek, and a text from JJ.


Gideon hasn't turned up for the case and Spencer is worried.


Thank you

Delilah clicked on Hotch's number, putting the phone to her ear as she headed back towards her car.

"Delilah, good," Hotch said.

"If this is about Gideon and Spencer, I know already," Delilah said.

"I mean, yes, but there's other stuff," Hotch said.

"Oh, go on," Delilah said, getting in the driver's seat of her car.

"There's a case in Milwaukie. Prentiss and I are flying out to join the team-"

"I thought you were on leave," Delilah said. "Awaiting transfer."

"My transfer hasn't gone through the system, yet. Neither has Prentiss' resignation," Hotch said.

"She's leaving? What? Why?" Delilah asked.

"I don't know," Hotch said.

She knew he was lying.

"Okay. Thanks for keeping me in the loop," Delilah said.

"I want you to come with us," Hotch said. "Your class just got out."

"I can't," Delilah said. "I'm on leave. And Liv and I are going out to Vegas in two days to meet Ziggy. I can't just leave my family for a job anymore, Hotch."

"I know," Hotch sighed. "I just wanted to check."

"Thanks," Delilah said. "Text me when you're expecting to be back."

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