3. twenty nine

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AN: hey guys! welcome back!

i'm so so happy to be updating again i'm ngl, i've missed you all so so much!!

this is a bit of a big chapter, 7900 words ish? so have fun! we don't even have that many TWs, but don't be fooled! it's still not a full happy chapter :)

i hope you guys enjoy and i'll see you next week! <333

mental breakdowns
spicy deja vu
crisis of faith

"harper: when you pray, what do you pray for?

joe: i pray for God to crush me, break me up into little pieces and start all over again." - tony kushner

The top five biggest shocks of Delilah Bellerose's life came down to this list:

5. A secret nephew coming out of the woodwork.

4. Jennifer Jareau being in love with her.

3. Being told her children were dead.

2. Her father being a serial killer.

1. Olivia and Emily making out in the kitchen.

Olivia and Emily had been making out on the kitchen island, and no amount of rambled explanations from Liv's lips were helping Delilah make sense of anything, right now.

She just stood there in the kitchen doorway, staring blankly at her teammate/ sister's girlfriend, with JJ's hand in hers. Haley had long abandoned the shock to grab snacks, and Jace was putting the kettle on to make tea.

"This is incest!" Delilah said.

"Honey, it's not incest. Em and Liv aren't related," JJ said softly.

"Lilah, I can explain this," Liv said, stepping over to her sister. "It's not what it looks like, and it's definitely not incest."

"So, Emily's tongue wasn't in your mouth? And her hands weren't under your shirt?" Delilah asked.

"So, this is exactly what it looks like," Emily said, giving Delilah an awkward smile and shooting her a double thumbs up.

"Why are you giving her the thumbs up combo?" Liv whispered.

"I'm panicking!" Emily whispered back. "What, would you prefer finger guns?"

"Why would you bring guns or fingers into this?" Liv asked.

"So, I can bring up thumbs, but not fingers?" Emily asked. "You love my-"

"Ew!" Delilah groaned, putting her hands over her ears. "I don't want to know about any of... Any of that stuff."

"Why don't you sit down and I'll give you your antibiotic cream, and we'll explain?" Liv asked.

Delilah stared at her for a minute.

"Wash your hands," Delilah said.

"Surgical protocol," Liv grinned. "I won't put my Emily germs on you."

"Why do I have germs?" Emily blinked.

"Because your hands were under my sister's shirt, and she'll be rubbing cream into my face," Delilah said, moving to sit at the island away from where Liv had been sat. "Tell me that's not weird."

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