2. thirty eight

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AN: happy last season two update day! <3

starting from next monday, we will be in s3 of criminal minds which
1) is insane at how quickly it's come around
2) is insane at how much shit we've got ahead of us

so, it'll be back to single weekly updates bc i didn't fuck up the chapters this season! i probs will still spree sometimes but uni is almost killing me so i'm trying to be organised here at least

i hope you guys enjoy and thank you so much for reading!

there are also a lot of moments in this chapter that are so relevant next season so keep an eye out and see if you can spot any <3

"thanks again for saving me. one day, i'll save you, too." - zelda fitzgerald 

The dull sound of the punching bag being hit repeatedly echoed around the gym on Monday 14th May, the clock on the wall showing it was eight thirty seven. Delilah was alone in the room, headphones plugged into her phone with music turned up as loud as it would go to drown out her thoughts.

Blood seeped through the bandaged knuckles she hit against the punching bag, the ache in her bones familiar after around an hour of this every night for the past two weeks, except the three nights they were away on cases.

She was officially on leave for a month after her shift ended earlier today, and she would start her fostering classes next Monday. She'd taken the week before off so she could get her shit together, and partially so she didn't have to try and look JJ in the eyes after their conversation the other night.

A hand came onto Delilah's shoulder and she turned quickly, one of her hands grabbing the wrist of the hand on her shoulder and twisting it around the man until it was pressed against his back in a position that was all too easy to snap it.

Delilah yanked her headphones out with her other hand, releasing the man and shoving him away.

"Fucking moron," Delilah muttered. "Why do you insist on creeping up on me every time I work out here?"

"It's fun to test your reflexes," T, the gym's owner, grinned at her.

T was about twenty two and had inherited the gym when his dad died last year. Delilah had been coming here more and more this year, so, she'd gotten to know the little shit quite well. He always crept up on her when he wanted to tell her something, and she always almost snapped his elbow before letting go.

It was how they bonded.

"Phone's been ringing," T said. "Tried to call your name, flicked the lights on and off, nothing. So, I touched you."

"Rude," Delilah said, walking over to the bench where her phone was stuffed into her gym bag.

She sat down, wincing at the blood soaking her skin and the tape wrapped around her knuckles, but unlocked her phone and clicked on the missed call from Hotch to start a new call. She put the phone to her ear, taking a sip of her water while she waited.


"Hotch, what's up?"

"Frank murdered Gideon's girlfriend in Gideon's apartment while Gideon was on his way for their date."

"Frank? Frank as in the rib bone guy with the surgical trailer?"

"The very one."

"Shit, okay. What do you need me to do?"

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