3. thirty

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AN: hey guys! happy monday!

so this is a monster of a chapter with a whopping 11K words🥲🥲 i'm sorry in advance because i've covered penelope's entire case in this chapter and, as you can imagine, that did not go well for delilah :)

there's also some plot points for book two mentioned in this so i'll be curious to see if anyone can pick up on them now!

also! i've been asked for a photo of what delilah's scar would look like SO this is one i drew up, i am useless with creative things like drawing so it's shockingly bad BUT it's enough to give you the idea of it! it will fade to white within a few seasons and be way less noticeable but, as of where the story takes place rn, this is how red and angry it is

also! i've been asked for a photo of what delilah's scar would look like SO this is one i drew up, i am useless with creative things like drawing so it's shockingly bad BUT it's enough to give you the idea of it! it will fade to white within a few...

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so yeah! yikes! poor girl! it's good she can cover it with makeup tho!


spicy deja vu
hints of manipulation
anger issues
manic behaviour
panic attacks
transference of daddy issues
imposter syndrome
lowkey giving psychotic break
self sabotage?
delilah's bad decisions

i hope you enjoy! you probably won't but still :)

ps! paper rings is now published and i'm so excited for you all to see penelope and jace! <3

"any moment might be our last. everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. you will never be lovelier than you are now. we will never be here again." - homer

Delilah felt like she might vomit as she followed Derek through the hospital hallways to the waiting room the team was waiting for them in. Derek hadn't said a word to her since they'd left that church, but Delilah didn't need him to say anything.

She knew exactly what he thought of her by the look on his face when he saw her scar. She saw the disgust and anger, the disappointment and resentment, and she knew it was aimed at her. It was because of what she did.

It was because she survived.

She didn't press him to say anything. She didn't break the silence. She just wandered after him, head aimed at the floor, and let her heart shatter in her chest with the anxiety over seeing everyone at once.

Delilah followed Derek around the corner to the waiting room, chewing on her bottom lip as the team stood up to greet them.

Everybody was there. Liv and Emily were holding hands. JJ was beside Emily. Ziggy was beside Liv, and Spencer was beside him with a cup of coffee in his hands. Dave and Hotch were stood up waiting.

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