1. twenty six

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"of course i wanted to see the world, to experience it's fullness. i wanted to be a real part of it, rather than the passing shadow i so often felt like. i wanted to devour the world." - saeed jones

"I don't think I've ever been happier to take a vacation," Delilah sighed loudly, throwing her final case file onto her completed pile at her desk.

"I can't imagine what 2 weeks away from this place is gonna feel like," Elle said, sitting on the edge of Delilah's desk as Derek flopped into his seat opposite Delilah.

"You better thank your man upstairs for making it the whole team, otherwise you know they'd find a reason to bring us back up in here," Derek said.

"Why? They got other teams," Elle smirked.

"You can go on believing that if you want to, but I am not answering my cell phone," Derek chuckled.

"Okay," Elle laughed.

"Oh, there he is. Pretty boy. Last chance. I can get my man to swing you a hotel room for practically nothing. Even you might get a little lovin' out there," Derek said when Spencer walked past them.

"Thanks anyway," Spencer mumbled.

"Come on, Reid. Live a little?" Derek said.

"I have to go. I'm going home. Have a good one, guys," Spencer said, waving as he headed out of the room.

"Bye," Delilah called after him.

"He look okay to you?" Derek looked at the girls.

"He looks about the way I would if I was gonna spend two weeks with my family," Elle said.

"Hey, don't knock family. I'm gonna get nothing but for the next 336 hours," Hotch said, hurrying down the stairs from his office with a grin.

"Good for you," Delilah snorted.

"Haley's got a list of chores a mile long. I can't wait. The biggest decision I gotta make is what I'm gonna do first," Hotch smiled.

"I bet you she has a thought or two about that as well," Delilah said.

"Bring it on," Hotch chuckled, leaving the office with a wave to them. "Oh, Lilah, if you come back early, come and visit Jack!" he poked his head back in the office.

"I will," Delilah said.

"Where are you going?" Elle asked Delilah.

"I'll be lost in a cabin in the woods for the next two weeks. Do not call me for anything. Have a great time. You all deserve a break," Gideon said, crossing the bullpen towards the door before turning back to them. "Seriously, don't call," he said.

"Don't worry," Elle laughed, waving him off. "So, Lilah?" she said.

"I have two weeks vacation planned with Liv and two of her friends from work. Apparently, one of them has a gorgeous villa in Spain and I intend on lying in the sun as much as I can. Gotta work on my tan," Delilah said.

"Does JJ know you're disappearing to Spain?" Derek said.

"She does," Delilah said. "And I'm not disappearing. It's two weeks," Delilah said.

"Well, have fun," Elle smiled.

"You, too," Delilah smiled at them.

She grabbed her things off her desk and stood up, leaving the bullpen and walking down the hallway towards JJ's office. She knocked on the open door, leaning in the doorway. JJ looked up from her files, her frown turning into a happy smile.

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