4. three

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AN: hi guys!! happy monday!!

as promised, this chapter is almost exclusively jj and lilah getting back to normal! i thought you guys deserved some of the girls before the next chapter bc that's the minimal loss episode :)

just a few TWs!:
mentions of lilah's past
mentions of rape
just the basement is quite prominent here she talks about it to jj

also! there is no paper rings chapter this week i'm afraid, i don't have an excuse except i didn't want to write a filler chap when i could just keep writing the next eps :)

hope you guys enjoy!

"i cannot think of you apart from love." - marina tsvetaeva

Delilah had cleaned the entire apartment and JJ was still asleep. It had only been an hour and a half, though.

Still, she'd cleaned JJ's bathroom, done the washing and had the load fresh out of the dryer and put away in JJ's drawers. She'd wiped every surface, folded every blanket, washed every dish, and mopped and hoovered every carpet. Everything was done, and JJ was still asleep.

So, Delilah grabbed her phone and sat on the couch, starting to go through the files for the next case that Evie had sent her.

Luckily enough, it didn't take more than half an hour before Delilah heard footsteps padding down the hallway towards her. She looked up from her phone, smiling when she saw JJ rubbing her eyes through a yawn, her t-shirt tugged up to show the bottom half of her bump.

"It's a boy," Delilah chuckled, closing the file off her phone and throwing it onto the coffee table.

"You don't know that," JJ mumbled, shuffling towards the couch.

She sat down beside Delilah, yawning again as she tucked herself into Delilah's side. Delilah wrapped an arm around JJ's shoulders, her other hand helping pull JJ's legs so they were across Delilah's lap.

"Comfy?" Delilah asked.

"Yeah," JJ said. "Why do you think it's a boy?"

"I told you, you're carrying low," Delilah said.

"And I told you that it's too early to tell, and that's an old wives tale," JJ chuckled.

"Well, we'll see who's right in a few months, and it's gonna be me," Delilah said.

"It's a fifty fifty shot," JJ laughed.

"But I know that it's a boy," Delilah said. "And I said it long before anyone else did. And, considering how little time I've spent around you, the fact I can tell so easily means that, when I'm right, you'll believe in my secret superpower to guess what you're carrying."

"Sure," JJ said. "We'll see."

"We will," Delilah grinned.

"So, uh, what... What did you wanna talk about?" JJ asked.

"I have a few questions about everything," Delilah said.

"Go ahead," JJ said.

"Does Will know what I did?" Delilah asked.

"He knows enough," JJ said. "I didn't wanna give him all the details because that's not my place, but... I said that something happened, and he asked if it had anything to do with the serial killer you pissed off, and I told him that he hurt you and a kid, so, you killed him when he tried to kill you. He didn't seem to care about that, and I offered the, uh, details, but he said he didn't care."

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