2. five

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"it requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious." - alfred north whitehead

Delilah pulled into the parking lot for her apartment four hours later, parking her car and getting out, heading inside and locking it behind her. She nodded hello to the doorman, getting onto the elevator and pressing the thirteenth floor. She leaned back against the wall tiredly, closing her eyes as the elevator slowly moved upwards.

It beeped and she stepped out of the elevator, walking down to apartment thirteen and unlocking the door. The alarm wasn't set, and the TV in the living room was still playing, despite the early hours of the morning. Delilah closed the door behind her and locked it, kicking her shoes off and hanging her jacket up.

"Hey," Liv called from the living room.

"Hey," Delilah walked into the living room, seeing Liv was sat facing the TV with files piled onto her lap, scans of brains littered around the coffee table.

"Look at the size of this tumour. It's tennis ball size," Liv said, holding up a brain scan.

"Cool," Delilah yawned, rubbing her face as she headed to the kitchen to make some tea. "Is it inoperable?"

"According to the other neurosurgeons this poor women's consulted with. But I'm Liv Bellerose and I am better than all of those cowards," Liv said.

"Maybe you have a brain tumour that gives you a massive ego," Delilah said, boiling the kettle.

"Whatever. How was your case?" Liv said.

"Solved it," Delilah said.

"What was it?" Liv asked.

"A kid being auctioned off by pedophiles. I worked with Katie again," Delilah said.

"That's rough. You wanna talk?" Liv said, looking up from her files.

"No, I just wanna sleep," Delilah said. "And shower."

"JJ's here, by the way. I picked her up on my way home. She drove here with you for the start of the case, so, figured she probably would've crashed here if you were there to drive her," Liv said.

Delilah blinked.

"What?" she said.

"I rang you, but you didn't answer, so I rang JJ and she said you were still in Mount Pleasant and she was gonna wait for you to get back, but the drive was a few hours. I told her I'd just pick her up and she could crash here again, 'cause she's basically moved in and spends at least two nights a week here," Liv said.

"And you didn't think texting me a heads up would've been a good idea?" Delilah said.

"I did. Your phone is dead," Liv said.

Delilah checked her phone, then sighed. It was dead.

"Okay," Delilah said.

"Y'know, if you're trying to get over her, you'd think you'd have put some separation between you two. Instead, she's sleeping in your bed and cuddling you like she's your girlfriend, you ignored every message on your burner phone from that Jacey and you haven't had sex in months. Four months, Delilah. That's not getting over your best friend," Liv said.

"Why are you profiling me at, like, two in the morning? Can we do this tomorrow?" Delilah said.

"No. You'll have enough energy to physically run away from me tomorrow. Now is the perfect time. Besides, she's asleep, so, she can't overhear you or anything," Liv said. "Are you trying to get over her? Or are you just torturing yourself for fun?" Liv said.

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