1. twenty four

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"i do not suffer from insanity. i enjoy every minute of it." - edgar allan poe

Delilah walked off the elevator into the BAU with the team, minus Hotch and Gideon, but plus CIA escorts. It was late and she'd been woken up by JJ's phone going off on the bedside table, JJ having spent the night again because she didn't want to drive home.

"This CIA escort thing is scaring me a little bit," Delilah muttered, looking at Derek. He nodded.

"Weird, right?" he muttered.

"What do you suppose this is all about?" JJ asked.

"Call me cynical, but considering it's 2 am, I doubt it's good news," Spencer said.

"You are a genius," JJ said.

They headed into the conference room and Delilah frowned, looking over at Gideon and Hotch. They shook their heads, her silent question getting the response she wanted.

This wasn't about Jorge.

Delilah nodded and sat at the table, the others sitting around them.

"The CIA's counterterrorism unit is engaged in a mission to save one of its informants. They suspect one of their agents is a mole. Until the identity of that mole is discovered, they've locked down the unit," Hotch said.

"This gives us the opportunity to profile the unsub up close. Go ahead," Gideon told one of the CIA agents near the door.

"Let's start the video feed," the agent said into his watch.

"John Summers was the CIA's best field agent in the middle east. Three nights ago, he was found in his home in Washington. He'd been tortured and murdered," Hotch said, a photograph of Summers coming up onto the screen.

"The CIA made it look like suicide," Gideon said, the photo changing to a suicide photo.

"How'd you like to have that job?" Spencer winced.

"Guys, look at the wound patterns. They come from 2 distinct angles. Different heights. One's right-handed and one's left-handed. Looks to me like he was tortured by more than two people," Derek said.

"Hotch, what was Summers working on?" Elle asked.

"Aaliyah Nadir had been beaten and sexually assaulted at the hands of her husband, Hassan Nadir," Hotch said.

"That's how Summers flipped her and got her to work for the CIA," Delila guessed. Hotch nodded.

"What's the husband's story?" JJ asked.

"He's a diplomat for the Saudi government, but he's a fund-raiser for major terrorist organizations," Hotch said.

"Aaliyah gave Summers intelligence on terrorist organizations the CIA had never been able to penetrate, organizations Hassan, her husband, funneled money to," Gideon said.

"And Hassan realized he had a leak?" Derek asked.

"Yes, but he didn't know who. For Aaliyah's protection, Summers never revealed her identity to the CIA until about 8 weeks ago. CIA arranged papers for her, and Summers brought her and her children to the US about a month ago," Hotch said.

The photo on the screen changed to a photo of Aaliyah and her two children, a girl and a younger boy. Delilah stared at it for a few seconds, knowing just how lucky she was that it wasn't her in this position. It could've been like this. It probably would've been like this if she hadn't gotten out.

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