2. four

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"i was the girl who never understood who she was to people." - carol rifka brunt

Delilah watched Rawlings, Mehtevas, as Derek and Katie led him down the hallway of his school, Gideon on the other side of them.

"I wish you would inform me what exactly I'm being charged with," Rawlings snapped.

"Anything I can possibly stick to you," Derek said.

"I haven't done anything," Rawlings said.

"You're an educated man, Mr. Rawlings. You know you're in trouble here," Katie said.

"I believe I just walked outside my school. Is that a crime now?" Rawlings scoffed.

"You know where he is?" Katie said, producing a photograph of Peter staring at the camera in the room he was being held on.

"How could anyone hurt something so..." Rawlings trailed off as he stared at the picture, body language shifting despite his best intentions.

He was getting turned on at the sight of a child locked in a room for auction.

"Pure?" Gideon said.

"You sent this image to Kevin," Katie said.

"Well, that was wrong of me, I know, but I was so shocked. I wanted to try to save this poor boy. I thought Hugz... Kevin... might know him. That's why I sent him the link to the website, see if he knew," Rawlings said.

Delilah scoffed.

"Please. You were trying to save him?" Derek snapped, getting up in Rawlings' face.

Delilah had half the mind to do the same herself. This kind of man was exactly the kind of man her father was. She wanted to let Derek attack the prick, but she couldn't. Not yet.

"Help search his office. I got this," Delilah told Derek.

Derek stared at her for a few seconds before turning and walking into his office, leaving Delilah, Gideon and Katie with Rawlings.

"How were you going to save Peter?" Katie asked.

"Peter? Is that his name? Peter? I wanted to save them both. Kevin, too," Rawlings said.

Delilah stared at him for a few seconds before shaking her head, walking into Rawlings' office with Spencer, Elle and Derek.

"Tell me we got something we can nail this son of a bitch on," Derek said.

"Not unless we can break the password on this guy's computer," Elle said.

"Call Garcia," Derek said.

"Take too long," Spencer said.

"Come on, genius. Do something genius-like," Derek said.

"If this guy does have child porn on his computer and we type in the wrong password, it could trigger a virus that wipes the entire hard drive," Spencer said.

"What's he saying out there?" Elle asked, looking out of the window at Rawlings.

"He's a preferential pedophile who claims he's trying to save them," Delilah said.

"Save them. Save them!" Spencer mumbled, getting to his feet and grabbing a piece of paper and a sharpie.

He started writing SAVE THEM on the paper against the window, Delilah smirking slightly when she caught on to his brainwave.

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