1. seventeen

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"the more i love humanity in general, the less i love man in particular." - fyodor dostoevsky

Delilah packed everything up off her desk later that night, having stalled in the office as long as she could because Liv was in a surgery and she didn't particularly want to get a cab home.

But, as Liv's last text message had been sent by one of her residents telling Delilah that she wouldn't be out of surgery for a few more hours, Delilah had decided to suck it up and get a cab home.

She would've grabbed a ride from the others on the team, but they'd all gone home about an hour ago, even Hotch. Though, Delilah suspected he only went home before she did because Hayley was texting him about Jack not sleeping again and Hotch didn't want to piss his wife off.

"Hey, you're still here," JJ's voice came from behind Delilah.

She turned around, smiling at JJ. She looked ready to go, with her coat wrapped tightly around her to combat the cold December night they'd head out into.

"I thought we always walked out together," Delilah teased, swinging her leather jacket over her shoulders.

"You waited for me?" JJ asked.

"Well, no. Liv's in surgery. Some trauma came in and his brain swelled like a balloon, apparently, so, Liv is gonna be in surgery for a few hours. No idea what surgery you can do to fix the balloon brain, but, she's the doctor, not me," Delilah said.

"How are you getting home?" JJ said.

"Cab. I left my car at home because she always picks me up," Delilah said.

"Come on," JJ smiled at her, turning to head towards the elevators.

"You are the best," Delilah grinned, hurrying after JJ and shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Yeah, I know," JJ said.

They stepped onto the elevators, Delilah pressing the button for the ground floor.

"So, crazy case," JJ said.

"Yeah, crazy," Delilah said.

"Bad case?" JJ asked.

"Bit of both. We got her home, but... Those tapes he had. It never gets easier to see stuff like that," Delilah said.

JJ nodded, looking at Delilah for a few seconds.

"You're not gonna be able to sleep tonight, are you?" she said.

"What?" Delilah said.

"I could tell you didn't sleep after you watched those torture cases. Or, if you did sleep, it wasn't much. You looked exhausted for days. I figured that this case's tapes might be the same," JJ said.

"You should look into profiling, you know? You're good," Delilah said.

"Oh, no," JJ laughed. "I'm just figuring you out," JJ said.

"That's profiling, babe," Delilah laughed, tilting her head to the side. "But, yeah, probably won't sleep well tonight," she said.

JJ stared at her for a few seconds again.

"What?" Delilah said.

"Nothing. Just, um," JJ looked at her feet, then back at Delilah. "Text me, or call me, if you need anything. I don't want you to suffer through this alone. And Liv isn't home, so, if you need someone, I can be that person," JJ said.

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