1. eight

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"you've only got so long to live." - sylvia plath

Delilah walked behind Karl Arnold as Gideon and Derek led him into the BAU. Derek's arm had been bandaged, though Delilah hadn't let anyone treat her own cut. Her t-shirt was dark and her jacket covered the tear, so she had gotten away from the scene without anyone knowing she'd even been hurt.

She'd fix it up once they'd gotten Karl in a cell, leaving Gideon and Derek to handle the interrogation.

JJ was waiting by the door near the interrogation room and watched as Gideon let Derek take him into the room.

"Did he say anything?" JJ asked.

"No. Can we tie him forensically to the other crimes?" Gideon said.

"Negative on foreign DNA. He must have washed Crawford's clothes," JJ said.

"Then we'll need a confession," Gideon said.

"Can you get one?" JJ said.

"Did you do what I asked?" Gideon asked.

"Yeah," JJ said.

"Then maybe," Gideon said, heading into the interrogation room after Derek.

Delilah watched him go, then followed JJ into the room where they'd be able to watch behind the mirror. Hotch was in the interrogation room with Gideon and Morgan, as was Elle. Spencer, presumably, was with Garcia, or finishing any paperwork for them to make the case end faster.

Delilah leaned against the wall, scanning the boards in the room with the crime scene photos on them.

"You've got some of the pictures wrong. Though, I'm guessing that's the point. It'll drive him insane that things aren't in their exact place and he'll self incriminate," Delilah said.

"So that's what Gideon was getting at," JJ realised, looking at Delilah.

"Yeah," Delilah said.

"So, you figured out he was their therapist. How?" JJ asked.

"I remembered someone saying the Crawfords were paying for therapy. And the painting Emily did, it was something they do in family therapy to assess the family unit. I thought that, maybe if the Millers had seen a therapist, too, then that would be the connection. So, I checked, and Mrs Miller got a prescription of diazepam from the same place the Crawfords went. Just clicked into place, then," Delilah said.

JJ smiled at her, twisting the end of her hair in her fingers.

"I'm impressed," JJ said.

Delilah smiled back at her, turning slightly to look better at JJ. She winced when the end of her cut touched the wall, pushing off the wall to stand up properly.

"What is it? You're in pain. You made a face," JJ said, hurrying towards Delilah quickly.

"No, no, I'm okay. Just moved funny," Delilah said, tugging her jacket tighter around her sides.

"Delilah," JJ raised an eyebrow.

"JJ," Delilah said.

"Don't lie to me," JJ said.

"I'm not lying," Delilah said.

"Then you're omitting the truth. I know you're in pain, so, what is it?" JJ asked.

Delilah stared at her for a few seconds before sighing.

"I may have been, like, scratched," Delilah said.

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