3. eleven

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AN: hey guys!!

so just a few things before we get started today-

it's my birthday a week today SO there will not be an update next monday bc i will be exclusively listening to folklore on repeat and crying at getting older while simultaneously stuffing my face with my taylor swift themed birthday cake :)

starting from now on though, chapters are back to single updates for a few reasons:

1. we're entering quite a heavy part of the story and double updates would be way too much to read at once like it's bad i'm ngl guys
2. i'm introducing my penelope, spencer and hotch fanfics during s3 and that is five CM fanfics i'll have to update so i'm going to have to sort out a schedule for that, but it'll probs be one chapter of each book over a two week period?
3. i'm not writing fast enough to replace the chapters i'm posting because of uni taking up so much time now i'm going into my final semester and i have to prioritise my degree apparently?

but yeah, so, just a single update for each book today guys, but happy holidays for anyone who celebrates! <3

"i'm not much but i'm all i have." - phillip k dick

The morning after should've been awkward. Delilah had woken up and the first thought across her mind was how the fuck she and JJ would handle this step going forward.

Did this change things for them? Did this mean they were giving it a go? Did this mean nothing because JJ still wasn't ready to come out? Or did their sex magically make her ready to come out?

Delilah wasn't sure, and she wasn't sure she wanted answers.

JJ walked into the bedroom with a cup of tea and Delilah's pills in her hand, setting them on the bedside table to sit down in the blankets beside her.

"We've got half an hour before we need to leave. Chamomile tea, 'cause I'm not sure if you can drink coffee on your medication, and we've got time to swing by Patty's and pick up some pancakes if you hurry," JJ said, leaning back into the pillows in the shirt she'd stolen from Delilah's closet the night before.

Delilah sat up in the blankets, rubbing her eyes as she took the medication from JJ's offered hand. Delilah counted out the right dosage, staring down at them for a few seconds before she swallowed them dry, leaning back against the pillows with a frown.

JJ silently held out the cup of tea. Delilah took it, sipping on it as JJ tucked herself into Delilah's side, tangling their fingers together and bringing her hand up to kiss her knuckles.

"You'll get used to them," JJ said softly.

"I know," Delilah said.

They sat there in silence for a few minutes, Delilah drinking her tea as JJ stroked the back of her hand with her thumb gently.

"Why did you decide to start taking them?" JJ asked quietly.

Delilah glanced at her, then shrugged, bringing her knees up to her chest as she fidgeted with the star pendant of her necklace.

"Better late than never to start taking care of myself, right?" Delilah said.

"Yeah," JJ mumbled, resting her head on Delilah's shoulder. "Maybe we should call in sick today."

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