1. five

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"it is as inhuman to be totally good as it is to be totally evil." - anthony burgess

The front door to the house swung open a few hours later, Morgan and Hotch ushering Cheryl in after they went to drop the money. It had quickly been discovered as a second kidnapping, with Cheryl being saved and the unsub getting away.

"Cheryl's all right," Hotch assured Mr Davenport, letting Cheryl hurry over and hug him tightly.

"Hey," Derek greeted Delilah, Elle and Spencer as they walked over to him.

"Hi, Hotch," Elle mumbled, eyeing Hotch as he walked right through to the dining room.

The phone rang loudly, Hotch leaning over and pressing answer.

"That was fun, wasn't it? A little running around, getting our pulses racing. Are you there, Cheryl? Are you there?!" the unsub said.

Derek held his hand up to Cheryl, her nodding her agreement to stay silent.

"Tell me you didn't feel a slight tingle, a thrill run up your spine. Huh? But those clever and cunning FBI agents deduced my little plan just in time. They figured it out. If they hadn't, I would have had you both. The whole set. The matching pair," the unsub said over the phone.

Delilah looked at Spencer, grabbing his computer out of his hands and quickly typing down that he was a collector as he wanted the whole set, the matching pair. Spencer nodded.

"Why are you doing this?" Cheryl asked.

"Because you asked me to, Cheryl. You asked me with your glances. The way you talk. Those little gestures," the unsub said.

Derek leaned over, pressing the mute button.

"What are you doing?" Cheryl said.

"Do not answer this man," Derek said.

"You asked for this! You asked for it, Cheryl!" the unsub yelled.

"What do you want?" Cheryl slammed the unmute button.

"What do I want?! You! It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow but I promise you, we will be together," the unsub said loudly, ending the call.

The BAU team all shared looks, Delilah sighing and walking towards the kitchen.

"Coffee, anyone?" she said.

"Please," everybody sighed their agreement.

"Crime of obsession. Your specialty, your lead, Morgan," Hotch said.

The team was gathered in the kitchen to grab their coffee, Delilah sat up on the kitchen side as she took sips from her own coffee cup. Hotch tapped her shoulder, motioning for her to stand up. Delilah stuck her tongue out, sliding off the counter.

"I think we should recheck everyone on Davenport's staff against the profile of a stalker," Derek said.

"Aren't stalking behaviors pretty diverse?" Elle asked.

"There's overlap. Narcissistic, inflated sense of self-worth, history of bad relationships," Derek said.

"What do we know so far?" Hotch said.

"He's probably white, obviously male... Sophisticated speech patterns," Derek said.

"Sophisticated, yet bizarre. He rarely uses contractions. It's not you're, it's you are. This guy's pretentious. He wants to sound smarter than he actually is," Gideon said, peeling an orange and starting to hand them all slices.

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