3. thirty four

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AN: hey guys! happy monday!

so we've got another big one today! like it's 14K words i'm SO sorry i'm literally trying to keep things as short as i can but i cannot stop writing for this apparently so??? im so sorry

but on the bright side! there's no TWs i can think of!

also? next week will potentially be the last updates for liv and jace's books for s3 bc im so sick of writing for it and i'm trying to publish things asap. will confirm the return dates from next week when i have finished the chapter im currently writing!

but i hope you guys enjoy this shitshow! see you next week! <333

"dylan came to visit, today. his hands were so cold, his eyes were wrong, and his teeth made my lip bleed when he kissed me. i hate him. i hate that death changed him. he doesn't feel like dylan, anymore. he doesn't look like him, either." - I.M, entry 45D

Delilah stood in the local PD's bullpen an hour later, holding a cup of coffee in her hands with a pout on her face. Evie stood across the bullpen on the phone with Strauss, because this was the third murder like this in Florida in two months and the locals wanted to bring the BAU in.

"Agent Bellerose?"

Delilah looked at the officer walking towards her, a piece of paper in his hand.

"We managed to ID the victim. Names Charles Luvet from New Orleans. Works for the New Orleans police department. His partner's name is William La-"

"Montagne Jr," Delilah finished for him. "I've worked with him before."

"Right," the officer said. "Then you might be best calling him with this news. He should be the one to inform Luvet's fiancée."

"Right," Delilah whispered. "I will... do that."

"His numbers on here," the officer said, handing her the piece of paper.

Delilah took it, blinking as the officer walked away. She looked down over the document confirming who the victim was and his emergency contacts, then groaned.

"What?" Evie asked, sipping on her own coffee as she sidled to Delilah's side.

"Charles Luvet," Delilah said.

"He's our victim?"


"Okay. Am I missing something?"

"He's a cop. His partner is Will. Will is-"

"JJ's beard," Evie whispered. "Holy shit. You have to phone your not girlfriend's not ex boyfriend and tell him his partner washed up in the marina when we were drunk."

"And you've just told Strauss this is a BAU case cause the locals called it in," Delilah said.

"I did," Evie said. "She's calling Hotch in early so the team will be here before lunch."

"Evie, if I call Will, I'm gonna have to pick him up from the station because he'll get here before Mason is given back to us. JJ is coming here. Will is coming here. We are already here."

"Oh my god, the love triangle is going to be active again."

"Technically, it's not a triangle, because Will and I don't like each other that way. It's more of an arrow, and JJ is the point connecting the two edges."

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