2. fifteen

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"little by little, one travels far." - j.r.r. tolkien

Delilah followed JJ into the bullpen less than half an hour later, still half asleep as Liv had offered them a ride on her way to the hospital and Delilah had been the last one to the car, earning her the backseat to have a few minutes sleep in.

Her hair was a mess, thrown up in a messy ponytail, and she was wearing a pair of jeans and a hoodie, a more official t-shirt underneath in case the hoodie was too casual for a terrorist threat. JJ looked put together, at least, wearing some of her fancy office clothes and heels. Delilah would happily stick to her converse for work. Then again, it wasn't often JJ ended up running after serial killers, so, it made more sense for her to keep her heels.

"I'm going to get everything ready. Everybody should be getting here soon, too, so, send them in when they're here, please," JJ said, heading towards the conference room.

"I'll bring coffee," Delilah said, heading towards the kitchen and grabbing the cups off the drying rack.

"I love you!" JJ called, heading into the conference room.

Delilah flinched, the cups in her hands falling from her grip and landing on the floor at her feet. The ceramic shattered, bouncing across most of the kitchen floor. Delilah just stared at the shards for a few seconds before groaning, putting her head in her hands on the kitchen side.

"For fucks sake!" she hissed.

"Uh... Are you okay?"

Delilah turned around at the voice she didn't recognise, blinking a few times at the woman stood in front of her.

"Lilah!" Penelope hurried into the bullpen and towards the kitchen. "I heard that from the elevator! Oh, this is Emily Prentiss, our newbie profiler. Emily, this is Delilah Bellerose, my awkward bestie," Penelope said, stepping over the ceramic shards carefully. "Are you okay?"

"I've had, like, four hours sleep, and now there's a potential terrorist attack, and I haven't even had my fucking coffee. I dropped my fucking mug! My favourite mug! This is horrible!" Delilah whined, looking down at the ceramic again.

"Why did you drop it?" Penelope asked.

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Delilah said. "Okay, I need to clean this before anyone gets hurt. Move out of my kitchen, ladies. I will bring coffee... soon. I will bring coffee soon," Delilah said.

"Okay. I'll show Em to her desk. Is your better half here?" Penelope asked, moving out of the kitchen.

"Setting everything up in the conference room," Delilah said.

"Did she crash at your place again last night?" Penelope said.

"Yeah," Delilah said.

"Cute," Penelope grinned. "C'mon, Em."

"Bye, Delilah. It was nice to meet you," Emily said awkwardly.

"You, too," Delilah sighed, stepping over the ceramic shards to grab a dustpan and brush.

Delilah sat in the conference room ten minutes later, knees pulled up to her chest on the spinny chair as she sipped her coffee and stared blankly across the room. JJ was getting the television ready, while Penelope typed on her laptop beside Delilah, Emily sat opposite them at the table.

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