1. nineteen

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"when you first see her, she will be light refracted, splintered divinity, some unlovely portrait of a goddess misremembered." - christina im

"I could tell you right now, it's not enough to get a stay," Sam Shapiro told the BAU team members still at the prison; Delilah, Garcia, JJ, Hotch, Gideon and Spencer, along with the warden of the prison.

They had just watched back Sarah Jean's interview of her reacting to Gideon reading the letter she wrote to her mother.

"Well, facts. Reid," Gideon said.

"Human sexuality is a complex dynamic of three components. Biological, physiological, and emotional. Jacob's needs were informed by the emotional, sexual abuse that he received at the hand of his mother," Spencer said.

"Long term repetitive abuse informed the template of his love map. Something we refer to as a signature. Jacob was an only child-" Gideon said.

"Thus he was alone when the abused occurred. So, in order for him to fulfill his fantasy, he has got to be alone with his victims," Spencer said.

"If I told you that, what would I have left for myself?" Jacob said on the footage of their interview.

"He said myself," Delilah spoke up, twisting her pen between her fingers.

"If Sarah Jean was present, it would have destroyed his fantasy," Gideon said.

"She confessed to killing her son," the warden said.

"Yes, true. But we are also convinced that she is the anonymous caller that made the phone call that nailed Jacob," Spencer said.

"Guilt-ridden, filled with remorse, she called the police. It's not the profile of a woman who would then kill a child," Gideon said.

"What else do you need?" Spencer asked.

"Evidence," Sam said.

"If we prove Jacob killed Riley, would that get a stay?" Delilah asked.

"Absolutely," Sam said.

"She protects the painting, she protects the boy," Gideon said.

"What?" Sam asked.

"Paintings are her statement. We need to figure out what they say," Gideon said.

Delilah stared at the TV screen showing news footage of the protests outside the prison, a frown on her face. JJ and Penelope were the only two left in the room with her.

"Tension is mounting here as the FBI's BAU team presence means that they're conducting a series of deathbed interviews in an attempt to find if there are anymore victims. Now it is rumored they're calling for a stay of execution," the news reporter said.

"Who the hell told them that?" JJ snapped.

"It doesn't matter. I don't see Hotch getting anything out of Jacob," Penelope sighed.

JJ stared at the TV for a few seconds with a frown.

"Maybe I can help," she said, turning the TV off and starting to mess with her hair.

"What are you doing?" Penelope asked.

"Uh, just get Hotch in here," JJ said.

Delilah nodded as she caught onto what JJ was getting at.

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