2. twenty nine

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AN: hey so i've really fucked up with my updates but i've figured out when to post what so it's all good

it's just there'll be little lilah sprees and like regular updates for liv

and then s3 is back to normal lmao

this is a singular chapter until monday
maybe it is
i may be spontaneous and change my mind
why not✨

• nightmares
• descriptions of abuse
• discussions of sexual assault and abuse
• emotional blackmail/abuse
• hints of torture (mental and physical)
•  spicy deja vu (commonly known as PTSD) 

i'm sorry in advance, but this is a necessary chapter because of what is discussed within it and the plot points it sets up and the information you learn

the bad shit ends after the italics if you need to skip through it, just comment if you want a summary

i hope you're all doing well, and i'm sorry again, and please reach out to someone if you need to talk about anything 🫶

"this year i have disappeared. or i was never there. or i was never here." - jane mead

"Do you know what happens when you hit forty eight hours with no sleep? You start hallucinating."

"I'm hallucinating right now."

"I'm not a hallucination."

"That is totally something a hallucination would say."

"Good point."

Isobel looked across the basement at Dylan. He was chained by his ankles to the wall, a mattress underneath his frail and bruised body. His left eye was bruised, swollen shut, and he had a fresh cut coming from underneath his right eye and down through his cheek, disappearing from his neck under the collar of his t-shirt.

Isobel was chained on the other side of the room, the chains around her ankles scraping across the floor as she paced up and down under Dylan's watchful gaze. Her clothes were filthy, her body was stiff and bruised from trying to get out of the chains, and she had a look on her face that was clearly hopelessness.

"You should sleep, Izzy," Dylan said quietly. "I'm serious about you getting hallucinations."

"I can't sleep," Isobel said, glancing at the metal door on the wall in front of them, the locks on the outside holding it shut. "He'll come."

"He'll come if you're awake, too," Dylan whispered. "I don't want you to see that, again. Go to sleep, Izzy."

"No. I'm not letting him hurt you again," Isobel said.

"You can't stop him. You know better than that," Dylan mumbled, rolling onto his back and blinking up at the ceiling, a wince on his face as his ribs ached.

Isobel kept pacing, chains scraping against the concrete floor beneath her socked feet. Dylan turned his head to watch her after a few seconds.

Isobel froze, turning slowly towards the door as she heard metal scraping in a lock. A key.

"What?" Dylan said.

"He's coming," Isobel whispered.

She dragged the chains as far as they would go, standing as close to Dylan's mattress as she could. She had to protect him from the monster that was her father.

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