1. eleven

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"to be made of flesh was humiliation." - alice munro

Delilah walked into the conference room a few days later, eyeing footage from a security camera on the screen. JJ and Spencer were already in there with Derek and Hotch.

"Okay, this is from one of the security cameras inside the train. 5 hostages in a car stopped on the tracks. We have one security guard dead from the initial gun fire," JJ explained.

"Is this going on right now?" Spencer asked.

"Yeah, in west Texas," JJ said.

"Why are they asking for us?" Derek asked.

"There is a particular psychological aspect of the hostage taker, which we're especially equipped to handle," Hotch said.

"Can you back the picture up a few frames?" Spencer asked. JJ did so. Spencer peered closer. "Tardive dyskinesia," he said.

"Once more for those of us without an encyclopedic memory?" Derek asked.

"Several facial tics. The kind that develop after years of taking anti-psychotic medication," Spencer said.

"So this guy is psychotic," Derek said.

"Psychotic with hostages," Hotch said.

"And two guns," Delilah commented.

"Hostage situation on the train?" Gideon walked into the conference room with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, in Texas," JJ said.

"The train in Texas," Gideon muttered.

"My god," Spencer muttered.

"What?" Delilah asked.

"Elle," Gideon said, a grim look on his face.

"What about her?" Delilah said.

Spencer pointed at the screen, where you could vaguely make out Elle's face.

"Oh, fuck," Delilah said.

"Local authorities have the train surrounded. Bureau, hostage rescue teams and snipers are in position. But they are hesitant to take actions until the negotiation is exhausted. The feeds from the train's two video cameras are being routed to monitors on a mobile command center that the local bureau office brought in," JJ said.

The six of them were in one of the BAU SUVs, Delilah sat in the back row alone, having been the last one to the car because she had to grab coffee.

"We need to know who on that train is going to be a help and who's gonna be a problem," Hotch said.

"All right, let me get Garcia to work some magic on those video feeds," Derek said.

He pressed call on his phone, putting it to his ear.

"Garcia. Okay listen. No playing. We're gonna be feeding you with some security camera video from a hostage situation over a security line. Can you work a face recognition software over it and tell me who's who? Penelope. Elle is one of the hostages," Derek said into the phone. He hung up, looking at Hotch. "She'll get us the names," he said.

"Do we have any contact inside the train yet?" Gideon said.

"No. It took two hours to convince them to allow the phone. But he won't speak to anyone except what he calls the higher authorities," JJ said.

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