1. twelve

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"people can be stunningly unobservant." - steven king

"Dude, I'm kind of concerned that you're trying to catch diabetes," Delilah eyed Spencer a few hours later.

The two of them were stood in the BAU kitchen and Spencer was emptying the sugar into his coffee at an alarming rate.

"I'm trying to stay awake," Spencer said.

"Redbull," Delilah held up the can in her hand.

"Heart attack in a can," Spencer said.

"Diabetes in a cup," Delilah said. "You look exhausted. What's up?" she asked.

"Late night," Spencer said.

"Let me guess, it wasn't because of a book," Delilah said.

"It wasn't," Spencer said.

"And it wasn't a girl," Delilah said.

"How do you know it wasn't?" Spencer asked.

"You have no sex swagger. It's sleep deprivation, pure and simple. What's keeping you up?" Delilah asked.

"Sex swagger?" Spencer said.

"Let's skip that until we've had more caffeine," Delilah said. "Now, spill," she said.

Spencer looked down at his coffee for a few seconds before looking at Delilah.

"Do you ever have dreams?" he asked.

"Dreams? Yeah, man. I dream that I'm getting chased through the woods by the Kool Aid Man, like, all the time," Delilah said.

"I meant nightmares," Spencer said.

"Being chased through the woods by the Kool Aid Man isn't a nightmare?" Delilah frowned. "Then I have weird fucking dreams," she muttered.

She took a sip of her redbull, wincing as she swallowed the bitter drink down. She hated the taste, but it was more effective than coffee and she had to stay awake today.

"Back to you, anyway. Nightmares. You're having them?" Delilah asked.

"Yes," Spencer said.

"About the job?"


"How often?"

"Almost every night, now," Spencer said.

Delilah hummed, eyeing him for a few seconds before nodding.

"I have nightmares. But, uh, I'm probably not the person you should talk to about this," Delilah said.

"Morgan told me to talk to Gideon," Spencer said.

"You should," Delilah said.

"What do you have nightmares about? I mean, aside from the... Kool Aid Man," Spencer frowned. "Is it the job for you, too?"

"Sometimes," Delilah said.

"And other times?" Spencer asked.

"Spencer, look, I'd love to give you some magical advice on how to make them go away, or whatever self help shit people say when someone tells them something personal, but I'm not the right person to ask for advice on this kind of thing. Talk to Gideon, okay? He can give you advice. I can give you bad coping mechanisms or, like, make you a sad playlist," Delilah said.

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