2. ten

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"and i say to myself: a moon will rise from my darkness." - mahmoud darwish

Delilah sat on one of the desks in the viewing rooms behind one of the interrogation rooms, Spencer leaning against the desk on one side with Gideon on the other. The chief officer of the local PD was across the room, watching Hotch stand up in the interrogation room with Mr Chambers and step out.

"Chambers represented Haas in a minor sex offense case six years ago, had the record expunged," Hotch said.

"What kind of sex offense?" the chief asked.

"An underage prostitute," Hotch said.

"Sounds like the right kind of crime?" the chief said.

"Could be," Hotch said.

"Well, Haas swears he didn't put the cigarette butts there," Gideon said.

"Does it strike anyone else as grossly inconsistent that an unsub this sophisticated and methodical would leave an obvious pile of his DNA at the crime scene?" Spencer said.

JJ walked into the room, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Don Haas was at the pep rally. I saw him in two different video tapes," JJ said.

"I guess I must've missed him," the chief sighed.

"All three of the victims' soccer jerseys were found behind the motel Peter Chambers has been staying at for the last week," Derek walked into the room, looking at Hotch with a grim face.

Hotch turned, walking back into the interrogation room with Peter Chambers.

Delilah gently pushed herself from side to side on the spinny chair she was sat on in the conference room, elbow propped up on the arm of the chair to support her head, eyes closed. The rest of the team and the chief of pd were also sat in the room, talking about Haas and Chambers.

"These men are innocent," Gideon said.

"You're sure?" the chief asked.

"Unsub planted evidence to implicate them," Gideon said.

"Forensic countermeasures," Hotch said.

"So, we've got no suspects, no reliable evidence, we've got nothing," the chief said.

"We have the behavior," Gideon said. "The fact of the countermeasures."

"He tried to implicate Haas and Chambers. That would mean Haas and Chambers had significance to him, right?" JJ asked.

"Who he's implicated may be as important as who he's abducted," Hotch agreed.

"He's been watching them all for a long time. Seething," Gideon said.

"We need to bring the parents and the people he implicated in. They, along with the girls, are his targets, and it may be the key to finding him before it's too late," Hotch said, standing up.

The rest of the team stood up, leaving the office. Delilah headed straight over to the coffee machine in the kitchen, pouring several cups for everyone before heading to one of the computers to phone Garcia and get her to run background checks on the parents.

"This unsub, or unknown subject, is someone you know. He's someone from your past, and he's someone who thinks that you have wronged him," Hotch told the parents they'd gathered. "We'd like for you to think about who might fit that description."

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