2. thirty

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AN: surprise! im back again

• mentions of drug abuse
• mentions of child abuse

i think that's it? if i've forgotten anything, please let me know so i can add them

im acc so excited for you guys to read this one bc there are some major plot points being set up here for the future of lilah and liv🫶

"we don't even ask for happiness, just a little less pain." - charles bukowski 

Delilah paced up and down the bathroom of the BAU floor, door locked to stop anyone from coming in. As far as she knew, everyone had already left for the night after the jet landed them back in Virginia. Even JJ had gone home, though she'd gone with Penelope because Delilah had disappeared.

She was always good at disappearing, and she didn't need JJ with her tonight.

Tonight, she needed answers, and she intended to get them.

Delilah took a deep breath and unlocked the bathroom door, avoiding the cleaners as she hurried down the hallway. She unlocked Penelope's office with the key Penelope had given her, slipping inside and locking the door behind her.

Delilah flicked the light on, taking another deep breath as she moved over to the computer, quickly signing into Penelope's account to have Penelope's firewalls protect her as she went through the databases.

Delilah opened up the database Penelope used to find people, tying slowly as her hands trembled.

Elijah James Bellerose.

She scrolled through the results until she found the right one, clicking on his name and watching every single detail of his life come up on the screen. Well, almost every detail.

Delilah knew there wouldn't be everything she was looking for. She didn't even really know what she was looking for. Perhaps an idea of why her father had mentioned her brother in her nightmare, but that wouldn't be in the government database.

Delilah chewed on her bottom lip as she scrolled through his files.

Born 1969, died in late 1999 at thirty years old from a drug overdose. History of previous overdoses. No history of rehab. Marriage certificate. No jobs listed.

Marriage certificate?

Delilah frowned. Eli didn't get married.

She clicked on it, rolling her eyes when she saw that it was from Las Vegas and from when Eli was twenty five. Clearly a dumb fucking drug induced idea, or maybe he was actually sober and manic, considering the listing of bipolar disorder on his medical conditions.

Well, that explained a lot about her brother.

Delilah wondered if Liv knew about the bipolar thing. Delilah wondered if she knew about this mysterious Las Vegas wife.

Her name was Talia Roberts.

Delilah typed her into the database with Eli as a reference, finding the marriage certificate on her records. She clicked on her entire profile, starting to read through the information.

Born 1976 in Nevada. History of drug addiction from 1994-onwards, starting from around the time she presumably met Eli. No rehabs, but several overdoses of her own. Two children. Serving time in Nevada Women's Correctional Facility for intent to distribute drugs and for having a meth lab in her basement.

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