3. twenty two

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AN: hey guys!

so quite an intense chapter today i'm ngl, but it's also the one chapter i've been dying to write since the start of this book so i'm very excited to see all of your reactions!

mentions of sexual assault
mentions of murdering animals
mentions of dead children
mentions of violence
mentions of blood and gore
more eye trauma? (idk?)

i hope you guys enjoy, and i'll see you next week! <3

"'look at you,' he whispers. 'my monster, come to find me.'" - alexandra christo

Delilah was surprised that she wasn't dead, yet. She'd been counting the minutes since Ziggy had locked them in here and, forty nine of them later, Elliot had yet to retaliate. All he had done was pace up and down like a madman.

Delilah wanted to laugh. She could remember waking up in the bedroom upstairs the first time she came here, how angry and terrified she was. She could see where she got it from. Though, it was still hilarious. Elliot was finally getting a taste of his own medicine by being locked in here.

"It's hot," Elliot grunted, tugging at the neckline of his shirt.

"It's freezing, actually," Delilah said, curled up on her mattress still. "You're just pacing around and working yourself up. We both know how this ends. May as well get some sleep before you go to jail and get raped by your fellow inmates. People don't like child killers."

"I'm not going to jail," Elliot said.

"Then you'll die," Delilah said flatly. "The only way you're getting out of here alive is in handcuffs, whether you kill me or not. We both know that."

"Ziggy might not even find what you sent him looking for." Elliot turned to glare at her.

"Then we'll both die down here," Delilah shrugged. "As long as he's out of here, that's all I care about."

Elliot stared at her for a moment before he sank onto the floor, crossing his legs and arms like a pouty child. Delilah rolled her eyes.

"You tricked me," Elliot said.

"It was too easy," Delilah said, a smirk on her lips.

"Why do you hate me?" Elliot scoffed.

"Is that a serious question, or are you just delusional?" Delilah snapped.

"You hated me before I did any of this," Elliot said. "You know you did. Why? I didn't do anything to you until Dylan."

"You didn't do anything to me?" Delilah said. "You barely raised me. It fell to Liv, always, even before mom died. And then she lost mom and you checked out so much that she had to step up and take care of me. She arranged the funeral, she took care of Eli and I, she went to every parents evening and school award ceremony and, and you did nothing!"

"That's not what I did to you," Elliot said. "That's what happened to Liv."

"You weren't fucking there!" Delilah snapped. "And when you were home, you dragged me hunting to kill animals I didn't want to hurt, and you made me kill that fucking rabbit with my bare hands, and you used to make me dress up in weird outfits to take photos of me-"

Delilah cut herself off, chest heaving with sobs she wouldn't let him see, trying to force down the memories that seemed intent on coming back to her after all this time. Delilah sucked in a ragged breath, shaking her head slowly.

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