1. twenty two

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"it is possible to carry life and death in the same sentence. in the same body. it is possible to carry love and pain." - lidia yuknavitch

Delilah hurried after Gideon, JJ and Elle to the ambulance that Derek was stood by, currently holding Detective Kim, who had been shot in an alteraction with their unsub, presumably.

"How are we doing?" Gideon asked.

"He'll make it. Caught one in the shoulder and shattered his collarbone," Derek said.

"Are you okay?" JJ asked.

"I'm fine," Derek said.

"No sign of this Martinez, the photographer?" Gideon asked.

"No," Derek said.

"Whoever took a shot at you followed you from the set," Gideon said.

"Martinez has a bunch of paperwork in his studio that says where Lila's gonna be every day," Derek said.

Gideon's phone rang and he picked it up, putting it to his ear.

"Gideon. That's what I thought. Thanks," he said, hanging up the phone. "Garcia's gone through every article written about Lila. She never says anything about red anemones being her favorite flower. We're looking for someone pretty close to her," Gideon said.

"This list gets shorter every day," Delilah said.

"He's circling in. We need to get to her house," Gideon said, turning away.

"I'll make sure the press doesn't get out of hand with this mess," JJ said, heading towards the press already gathered at the scene.

Delilah followed Gideon, Elle and Derek over to the SUV they'd take to Lila's house, rubbing her face tiredly as she slid into the back seat with Elle.

"Well, we found him in the bushes," Delilah and Elle walked over to Spencer in the backyard of Lila's house, Spencer soaked from the pool beside them.

Derek was handling their paparazzo dude, putting him in cuffs.

"I told her she should cut those. I fell in," Spencer said, noticing Delilah's raised eyebrows.

"Yeah, and I'm sure there's plenty of photos of it," Elle smirked.

"Stop shoving me, man," paparazzo snapped, Derek shoving him through the backyard.

"You're a suspect in the murder of Wally Melman, Natalie Ryan, and Jeremy Collins," Derek said.

"Murder? What?" the man cried.

"Shut up! We know for a fact that you have hundreds of photographs of Lila Archer and Natalie Ryan on the walls of your studio. You have miss Archer's daily schedule on your desk. You've been stalking her," Derek said.

"Look, guy. Hold up. Every parazzo's a celebrity stalker. If you don't stalk'em, you don't get the shit. If you don't make the shit, you don't sell no pictures," the man said.

"Well, this one is gonna cost you," Elle said, yanking the photo tape out of the man's camera.

"What! No. That's just wrong," the man whined.

"Tell it to your lawyer," Elle said.

"I'm still being locked up?" the man scoffed.

"That's right. Very least, you're trespassing. Let's go," Derek said, shoving the man away from them.

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