1. twenty

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"never shall i forget those moments which murdered my god and my soul and turned my dreams to dust." - elie wiesel

Delilah sat at her desk in the BAU bullpen, headphones in and music loud as she finished up some paperwork from the last few cases they'd done. As far as she knew, only Hotch and Penelope were in this early, as Delilah came in early when Liv got called in for a patient and offered to drop her off on the way.

Someone tapped Delilah on the shoulder and she flinched, pulling her headphones out of her ears and quickly turning, her other hand going to her gun holster.

"Hey, just me," Sean Hotchner held up his hands with an easy smile. "Easy there, tiger," he said.

"You scared the shit out of me, you asshole," Delilah laughed, standing up and pulling Sean into a hug.

Despite Sean and Aaron not getting on the best, Delilah had met Sean a few times since Dave took over raising her and Liv. She'd met him for the first time at one of Hotch's birthday parties when she was younger and the two had bonded quite well due to their similar young ages.

They hadn't kept in touch, just a few texts now and then to check in, but they stuck together for every 'family' event they were both at and he was family like Aaron was.

"Sorry," Sean smiled, pulling back from the hug.

"You're here to see Aaron, right?" Delilah said.

"Yeah. I was hoping Olivia might be here," Sean said, following Delilah towards Hotch's office.

"She's in surgery again. If you're still here and we don't have a case, we can go for a few drinks together after work," Delilah said.

"I can stick around," Sean nodded.

"Just up the stairs, into that office," Delilah said, pointing at the door.

"Thanks, Del," Sean said, ruffling her hair before heading up the stairs.

Delilah rolled her eyes fondly, fixing her hair as she turned around. Elle, Penelope and Derek were all staring at her.

"Is that Hotch's brother?" Penelope asked.

"Yeah, Sean," Delilah said.

"How are you and Hotch's brother so close?" Elle asked.

"We're not close. I've just known him for a few years and we stuck together whenever we saw each other at parties and things," Delilah said.

"How did you meet Hotch's brother?" Derek asked.

"My dad knows Hotch," Delilah shrugged.

"I feel like my world is shattering. This doesn't make any sense. Are you a nepotism baby?" Penelope asked.

"He's not my real dad, so, not by blood," Delilah said.

"Is that how you got onto the team?" Derek asked.

"No. I got here on my own. Not 'cause of my dad," Delilah said.

She turned around and headed to the kitchen, grabbing the coffee pot and pouring herself one, adding her sugar and milk and stirring it her usual amount of times before chugging it and making a new one.

"I think we hit a nerve," Penelope whispered.

"Who's her dad?" Derek whispered back.

"I don't know," Penelope whispered.

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