2. eleven

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"i need a life that isn't just about needing to escape my life." - roberto polito

"And you're sure you want to go alone?" Liv asked.

She was stood opposite Delilah in the kitchen the next morning, Delilah having returned from an early morning run after barely sleeping all night, even with JJ wrapped around her like a human furnace. Delilah had spent the night with one headphone in, listening to an audio book about elephants because that was the first one she saw and she needed something random.

It had distracted her, and she'd started a book about snakes on her hour long run.

"Liv, yes," Delilah sighed, moving around the kitchen as she made bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast.

"But is it smart to go home for the first time in almost fifteen years alone?" Liv asked.

"It's not home, because home is the Highlands and we're meeting in Jacksonville, and I'm not alone. I'm meeting Nora and Colin," Delilah said.

"You're still in the same state. At Halloween. The anniversary. Nora and Colin are going to be grieving, too. And you haven't seen them in, like, ever. You have to fly alone, so, you're going to be an anxious mess overthinking seeing Nora and Colin, and you might have a panic attack and go off the rails and spiral and disappear completely and leave me as an only child again-" Liv rambled.

"Olivia, shut up," Delilah sighed, turning to look at her sister. "I know what I'm doing. I'm landing in Jacksonville at half six. I'll get a cab straight to my hotel and stay there until the next day. Colin and Nora are coming to stay in the hotel with me so I'm not gonna get triggered seeing black balloons or Halloween things, and then I'm flying home the next day," Delilah said.

"You will call me before takeoff, when you land, the morning of, the night of, before your flight home, and I will pick you up from the airport. Non negotiable," Liv said.

"That's fair," Delilah nodded, a small smile coming onto her face. "Thanks for looking out for me. I'm gonna be okay," Delilah said.

"Okay. You want to wake up your better half or should I?" Liv said.

"You can. I'll plate up breakfast and get her tea boiled," Delilah said, moving to the kettle.

"Okay," Liv said.

Liv disappeared down the hallway, heading towards Delilah's bedroom to wake JJ up while Delilah started getting plates, cups and cutlery ready for the breakfast.

Liv knocked on Delilah's door, pushing it open and peering inside. JJ was sitting on Delilah's bed, braiding her hair and freshly showered, wearing a pair of pyjama shorts and one of Delilah's t-shirts.

"Hey, Lilah's got breakfast nearly ready if you're hungry," Liv said.

"Hey, thanks," JJ said.

She tied her braid off, standing up and following Liv down the hallway to the kitchen, where Delilah was putting three plates on the island where three cups were set out, two on one side, one on the other.

Delilah sat down, JJ assuming the seat beside her, while Liv sat opposite. The three of them started eating, JJ smiling when she saw the tea Delilah had made for her.

"So, any plans for the day?" Liv asked.

"Hiding in the apartment so I don't see Halloween decorations. You?" Delilah said.

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