Pain | Felix

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Felix's pov

The show was just amazing. We were so happy to see stays after all the lockdowns again. We all did a good job today and I think that Chan is very proud of us.

We are saying goodbyes to our fans, all are wishing us well while we're leaving the stage. Whenever we arrive backstage, a huge burden falls from our shoulders. You just feel great after a good performance.

This time, even the stylists and co-workers are giving us an applaud and we're all happy and realieved.

But I feel something else.

For a few weeks, I felt a sharp pain in my back, it would go away for a few hours but at night it would come back.

I haven't told anyone about it, because I didn't want to miss any dancing lessons.

I was so determined to perform well today, that I neglected my health. I was partly surprised that no one noticed it.

Now, the pain was nearly unbearable. It was like someone was stabbing me in my back.

We had to change our costumes and remove our make-up. It was so painful, I could have screamed.

When we arrived back at our dorms, I just wanted to go to bed, in hope that the pain will go away.

"Felix, you look a bit pale, are you okay?", Chan asked, always keeping an eye on his fellow Australian.

"Yes, I'm doing fine", I said, forcing a smile on my face.

Chan looked at me, not sure if I told him the truth.

We entered our rooms, when I stumbled on something, what was laying on the floor. I lost my balance and fell hard on the ground.

It was not that bad, but because my back was killing me, I screamed out loud.

All the members were shocked for a few seconds as they weren't aware of how much in pain I was. Chan was instantly helping me up from the ground, but I just screamed louder.

"STOP! S-Stop please!" I sobbed, hiding my face in my arms.

Chan shrank back, but I know he just wanted to help me.

"Yongbok, what's wrong?", Changbin asked.

Chan told the rest to give me some space, so I would feel more comfortable. I was still on the floor, now crying like a wreck, as the pain was too much to handle.

Changbin carefully sat down beside me, trying to calm me. I groaned in pain.

"Felix, what is hurting you?", Chan nervously asked. He had never seen me in such agony.

I took some deep breathes.

"I-I-It's my back, Chan. It hurts so much".

They were both surprised at my answer.

"I think we should call an ambulance"

The next thing I knew was that my vision went blurry and I couldn't understand what Chan and Changbin were talking.


When I woke up again, I was in a foreign environment. I had some tubes going into me and then I realised, I was in a hospital.

I felt really weak, but I could see Chan sitting next to me.

"Hey, Felix, how are you feeling?", he asked with a soft voice.

I coughed a little. "I'm much better".

He looked a little worried but also realieved.

"I'm so glad you're feeling better. You really scared us, Felix."

There was silence in the room.

"The doctors said, that your injury isn't just from the fall yesterday. Why didn't you say anything earlier? You put yourself at great risk at the concert!"

I didn't really know what to say.

"I just wanted to perform, that's all", I whispered, looking away from him.

Chan grabbed my hand tenderly.

He sighed.

"Look, it's ok, Felix, but next time, please say something! You know, I'm always here for you."

"Always", I think too myself.


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