Flu | Hyunjin

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Hyunjin's pov


It's my life's passion.

I do it all the times, always trying to improve.

If I can't dance, I feel miserable, like something is missing.

That's why I always try to stay healthy and remain my fitness on a steady level.

But sometimes you just get sick, no matter how healthy you live.

I woke up this day feeling nauseous and nasty. My throat was really sore and my body was freezing. I knew what that ment, but I wanted to dance today at all costs.

We had a special choreographer invited, so he could adapt our ideas to a new song. It ment, that we all had to be in the dance studio today, which is why Chan told us yesterday to go to sleep early, so we can be at our best.

I was really exctited to meet the choreography, as he had worked with lots of great people and I really wanted to show him, what I was able to do.

Why was this happening to me on this important day? I got out of bed, only to be welcomed with dizziness. I took a deep breath. You can do this Hyunjin.

I jumped into the bathroom to take a shower, hoping it will wash off my sickness.

Chan's pov

I woke up this day feeling great as I was excited to meet the professional choreographer for the first time. It was only 6 am when I was full on ready, so I did breakfast for everyone. After that I made sure my members were already awake.

Seungmin and Felix were the first ones to come out of their room, Changbin, Jisung, Minho and Jeongin followed shortly after. They all sat down at the table, while I counted and noticed that one was missing.

"Where's Hyunjin, Jeongin?"

"Uh, I think he is still in the shower, I don't know", he shrugged.

I sighed. "We only have 15 minutes left, so finish breakfast and I will get Hyunjin", I said to my members.

I went to Hyunjin's room and knocked softly on the door.

"Hyunjin, are you still there? C'mon, we need to go soon!"

I heard some noises, when Hyunjin suddenly opened the door.

"Hey, hyung, I'm ready to go", he said with a raspy voice.

I stared at him for a few seconds, before responding. He did not look good. To be specific, he looked like shit.

There he stood, his face as pale as the wall, his eyes red and puffy and he sounded extremely snuffy. He seemed confused as I did not move.

"Uh, what is it, Chan?".

"Uhm, what, no, uh are you okay, Hyunjin? I'm kinda shocked at your appearance, to be honest."

He raised an eyebrow. "Uhm okay, I feel just fine, now let me go to the others".

He tried to pass me, but I stopped him.

"Hyunjin, you really do not look good, and you feel extremely cold."

He shock my arms off. "I said, I'm fine, Chan, and I will dance today!"

Why did he get angry so quick?

"Now, let me..", he suddenly seemed disgusted, "l..let me-", he abruptly put his hand infront of his mouth.

"What the- do you need to puke?", I asked, but he already rushed to the bathroom, collapsing infront of the toilet and vomiting his guts out.

I followed him immediately, holding his hair away and trying to comfort his poor soul.

He retched a few times, before dropping into my arms, exhausted and sick.

"Is it better now?" He breathed heavily.

"Please, hyung, let me dance", he whined into my chest.

I shook my head. "I'm sorry Jinnie, but you're heavily sick, you need to rest now".

I carried him to his bed, making sure he was somehow comfortable.

"Stay there, I will bring you some medicine and tea, okay?"

"Chan?", he whispered, with his eyes closed.

"What?", I turned around.

"I w...wanted to dance so badly today! I will miss the chance of working with a person, I look up to!"

He burried his face under the blanket, embarrassed to cry infront of me.

I went to his side, once again. "Jinnie, you don't need to be ashamed. Besides, you will have lots of opportunities to meet great people in the future, did you really think this was a one-time thing?

He uncovered his face. "I was so looking forward to this day, hyung. I practised all week, just for showing him my skills. And now the others can meet him, while I'm here in my room alone. It's so unfair, Chan", he cried.

I felt so sorry for him, as I knew how much he looked forward to this day.

I cleared my throat. "I feel you, Jinnie, and I'm so sorry that you're sick, but I really can't let you dance, you know that".

His mouth was trembling.

"However, if it is okay, I could stay here with you. Would that make you feel better?"

His expression brightened a little bit.

"Y...Yes please", he whispered, "but is it really no problem for you?"

I chuckled, holding his hand tight. "Oh Jinnie, someone has to look after you, you're an absolute mess. And now I'm getting you something to make you feel not like such a mess."

I stood up, checking him one more time before leaving his room.

I was totally fine with staying here, as long as my members are happy, I'm happy too.


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