Missing | Minho pt3

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-requested by ZHCBCEO

-tw: blood, violence, verbal and physical abuse, cursing


Chan's pov

Gun shots.

I fastened my pace and rushed downstairs where what I assumed was the basement. The police I called earlier had already arrived and followed me right behind. I wasn't sure if they also heard the shots or they just wanted to hold me back. Either way, I just continued to run, while they were slowly catching up to me. 

"Two people are missing?", one of the officers asked.

"Y-yes, they have to be here somewhere."

Suddenly we found ourselves in a huge room, with one candle being the only source of light. My eyes grew wide in shock as I saw three unmoving bodies and blood that was all over the ground.

"Oh my- Jisung! Oh my god", I gasped, feeling dizzy at the sight of his wound. There was a huge stain on his jacket, his clothes almost fully covered in blood. Still, he was awake but his expression was full of fear.

"Hyung, it's okay, it's just- Minho. Save him please!"

I stared at his right, where an unfamiliar person was lying a little bit further away.

"HE!", I shouted so that the police could hear me, "He has to be the kidnapper!"

They immediately went to the man that still had a mask on his face but was unresponsive either way. I watched as they carried him out of the room, finally feeling a bit of a relief.

But this feeling didn't last very long.

One of other the police officers pressed on Jisung's wound in order to stop the bleading. I couldn't. My heart was racing and I could only stare at the only other body that was left.

I could've puked at this point. All the relief, all the happiness that I should have felt, were completely destroyed.

We found Minho.

A very thin and sick-looking Minho.

A heavily beaten up and wounded Minho.

He looked so peaceful with his eyes closed, so calm yet so tortured.

"W-we need an ambulance", I choked out while desperately trying to feel a pulse.

"There's no signal. We are faster if we drive them to the hospital. Can you carry him?", one policeman calmy asked while already lifting Jisung from the ground.

I nodded before I could actually comprehend what he just said. I hesitated before carefully picking Minho up, carrying him with one arm under his legs and the other supporting his back. I slowly followed the police officers while thinking about how light Minho was.

Just as we excited this horrible place, I noticed his eyes fluttering open but he didn't seem to be awake yet.

"Hyung", he barely whispered, his voice sounding hoarse and strained.

"Minho, everything's gonna be alright, we'll drive you to the hospital", I responded, trying to suppress a sob.

"Hyung, I can't f-feel anything anymore"

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