Sick | Changlix pt2

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Read first part!!!!


Chan's pov

"Felix, please, you need to eat something".

I watched Felix picking at his food, only taking tiny bites.

It's been one week since Changbin told me about Felix's problems. After he stormed outside the dance studio, Changbin was able to find out the truth and filled me in. I was feeling extremely guilty for not seeing how bad Lix was doing because I was the one who was responsible for my members. At least that's what I tell myself all the time.

When Changbin told me that Felix was hearing voices, I was instantly alarmed, so I took him to a doctor a few days ago. We still don't have a clear diagnosis as Felix has to undergo a few more tests that can take a bit of time but I'm hopeful that we'll soon find out. However, I'm extremely worried for him as he doesn't speak nor eats much. If this continues, I'll have to do something, right?

"Hyung, what's the plan for tomorrow? I'm dying for a rest day", Hyunjin claimed tiredly.

"Uhm, yeah, I don't think we have anything planned for tomorrow in particular, so I guess we can sleep in", I said uninterested as I was still busy trying to get Felix to eat.

I kind of forgot that Hyunjin was sitting with us at the dinner table as it was already late and the others were either in their own room sleeping or watching TV in the living room. I haven't told the others about Felix's confession because it's his choice to tell them although they know that something is off with him. Of course they've noticed his weight loss and his sleepy, quiet mood, so it will only be a matter of time when they start questioning me for answers.

"I'm sorry Chan, but I just can't", Felix confessed quietly, shoving the plate away.

I sighed seeing how little he managed to eat. I really don't know what to do with him.

Felix stood up and walked to his room.

"He seems so off lately", Hyunjin claimed while finishing his plate. I just nodded.

I cleared the table and went to the studio to find some distraction. While being on my way I think about Felix but I tell myself that he's safe with Changbin at the dorms. He will look after him or so I hope.

Jisung's pov

I woke up to someone talking. I rubbed my eyes and groaned as I heard Felix' voice.

It's 4 am, what the hell is he doing? I looked over to his bed which was empty. He must be in the bathroom, probably talking to someone on the phone.

I made my way out of my bed and walked to the bathroom.

"Felix? Are you okay?", I knocked softly. Did he even hear me?

Suddenly I heard a loud noise, followed by a clang on the floor. Now I was wide awake, trying to open the door. Surprisingly it wasn't locked, so I rushed in.

I gasped at the sight I faced.

Felix was on the floor, leaning against the wall, mumbling something incomprehensible.

I dropped to the floor, placing my hands on his shoulder. "FELIX? CAN YOU HEAR ME? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" I tried to stay calm but I was failing miserably.

He looked up but it was like he was eyeing someone behind me. The only idea I had was that he took something he shouldn't. I immediately looked around only to find some empty bottles that looked like medicine.

Shit shit shit. What should I do now?

"Noo, g-go away", Felix mumbled, barely opening his mouth. He tried to move but I reacted quick and pushed him back.

"FELIX? Can you hear me?", I panicked, while trying to call an ambulance.

"HELP!", I shouted as loud as I could, so that the others would wake up. I felt myself trembling while dialing 911.

"V-v-voices...I-I h-hear...them", Felix whispered suddenly. I was trying to hold back my tears but I couldn't help it.

"I d-don't understand? I can't hear anything? Felix, s-say something! Why are you so quiet?", I cried as he was slowly drifting off. I dropped my phone to check his pulse since it was one thing I knew how to do.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I turned my head to see the others starring at Felix and me. I could see their shocked faces and realized how scary the situation must've looked. Me, shaking and crying uncontrollably and Felix, passed out on the floor.

The next few moments felt like I was just a spectator, watching how everyone gathered around us two, calling for our names, trying to handle the situation. I then heard an ambulance and the next moment there were already paramedics here. I watched as Felix got taken away, while Minho was comforting me.

I don't really know how but some time later we were in the hospital where Felix was brought in. We were in the waiting area when reality suddenly hit me.

My breathing was getting quicker and I stood up from the chair. I tried to walk but my legs gave up and I just fell onto my knees. I then broke into crying, feeling endlessly guilt.

How could I've let that happen to him...

Chan's pov

When I got the phone call from Changbin, hearing that Felix was sent to the hospital, I couldn't breath for a few seconds. All I could think about was how I wasn't there for him and that I should have known better.

Now I entered the waiting room, where I got greeted by 6 sad looking figures. Jeongin immediately ran to me and fell into my arms. I was about to cry but I wanted to stay strong for my members.

Changbin stood up and walked to me. "He is still in there and the doctors won't tell us anything, hyung", he said quietly. I saw tears streaming down his cheeks. I pulled him to me and tried to say reassuring things but they didn't sound very convincing even to me.

After some time I joined the others who were looking at me with pleading eyes.

I sighed.

I have to say something.

I need to tell the others.

I don't want to hide anything from my members anymore.

"Guys, I have to tell you something"


Hope you liked it :)

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