Panic | Han

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Stray kids were currently on a tour, flying from one country to another. This meant lots of stress, fatigue and exhaustion, but nevertheless they were eager to perform.

They were now on the airplane, where some of the members were trying to get some sleep before arriving on the airport. Bangchan was the only one awake, still working on his laptop. He somehow wasn't tired and he finds the airplane was a good place for inspiration and working.

After some time Jisung woke up, looking nervously around. Chan noticed his stressed face but didn't say anything.

They were now about to land, so he closed his laptop and packed his stuff.

Jisung's pov

"Shit", was my first thought, when I woke up.

Up until now I was okay but now just before landing I feel extremely anxious and nauseous. All I can think about is the people crowding at the airport, fans screaming and reaching for us, making our path to our cars difficult.

I hate it. I just want to go to the hotel and be alone. I don't know how I managed to stay calm last time, but it doesn't matter anyways.

Everytime it's a challenge for me and I always have to overcome that fear again and again.

The pilot says something about the landing but I can't concentrate on his voice. I look around to see my members slowly waking up and manage their stuff. Somebody says my name, but I'm not quite sure if it was real or just in my head.

I'm closing my eyes again and try to motivate myself with some sentences I read online.

Suddenly I felt some pressure on my shoulder.

"Jisung? Are you alright?"

I open my eyes again to see Minho's face. He chuckles.

"Hey, we're already on the ground, Hannie, don't worry okay?", he says.

My heartbeat instantly shot up, when I realized that we've already landed. I tried to hide the fact that my hands are shaking uncontrollable but Minho already noticed.

"Han, are you okay? Is it the people making you nervous again?", he says softly, caressing my hand.

I just nodded, as I knew I would start crying if I opened my mouth.

"That's fine, Hannie, you're gonna be okay! I'll always be at your side! Just take a few deep breathes and then let's get it over with".

He helped me sit up and grabbed me by my hand. I managed to control my breath but my thoughts were still spinning around in my head.

The other members gave me some concerned looks as they saw me shaking, but Lee Know reassured them I was okay.

He knew that I didn't want any more attention, so I was really thankful for his support.

Minho's pov

I held Jisung's hand tight as we excited the plane and walked through the airport. A lot of people were waiting for us, taking endless pictures and screaming our names. Our security did a great job at making a path for us, but it was really crowded and some people tried to touch us.

The whole time Jisung looked down, hiding his face. I knew how hard it is for him, but I hate seeing him like this.

We were close to get onto our cars, as some paparazzi wildly took photos all at once, so that we couldn't really see anything for a short time. We hurried to get into our cars, but Jisung tripped over something and fell onto the ground.

Changbin and I helped him stand up immediately, so we can finally get away from all the people.

I opened the car's door quickly and shoved Han into the vehicle. Changbin and Bangchan were riding with us, while the other members got into the car infront of us.

As soon as the driver began to drive, Jisung burried his face into his arms and sobbed.

"Shh, it's okay Han, you're safe now". I patted his back, but he didn't seem to calm down.

His breathing slowly but steadily got quicker and his whole body was shaking.

I looked to Chan desperately as I didn't know what to do.

"Han, can you hear me? Come, breathe with me, okay? Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in and out, good, ur doing good!"

After some time, Jisung's breathing went to normal again and Chan got ride of his hat and mask.

"Is it better now, Ji?", he asked.

Han nodded, tears running down his face. I couldn't help but hug him, reassuring him that everything's fine.

"Han, it's fine, really, you're safe now!", Changbin said with a soft voice.

"Yeah, you did it, Han, you don't need to worry anymore!", Chan assured him.

Jisung sniffed a few times before he cleared his throat.

"Thank you guys, f-for everything", he said quietly. "I..I'm such a b-burden for you, b-but I can't control m-myself", he cried.

We exchanged some sad looks. Does he really think that way?

"Han, you know that you're not a burden for us, that's the least thing you are! We care for you so much and we love you for who you are. Everyone has his problems and it's totally okay, understand?", Chan affirmed.

Jisung raised his head and looked at us. "I'm so glad to have you", he said.

We smiled back at him and I grabbed his hand again.

And I'm glad to have you, Hannie.


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